Christmas – she (Jessica) gave me a hug. She said you gave me a lot to think about. She never asked for clarity. The next morning was when I found out she was campaigning hard against me. I was like what the f**k!?? I was so confused. To me that tells me that she had something, maybe not directly telling Cody what to do but an influence. Paul – abso-f**king-lutely. Christmas – whether its direct or not she knew what she was doing. Paul – get the f**k out of here. Paul – when she asked me I was like I don’t have the answer … go ask Christmas. Christmas – her perception was that she HAD to talk to me, not that she wanted to but that she had to.
Month: July 2017
“I’m not trying to get catty with you I’m trying to live in the same house as you”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 6:16pm Jessica and Christmas
Jessica – This conversation is hard for me because it’s coming from a position of weakness..
Jessica says she had no idea christmas was going to be nominated. She did campaign against her.
Jessica says she wasn’t playing both sides of the house she always said she was going to vote to evict Christmas.
Jess – I was surprised I am legitimately concerned about your foot.. You’ve been really mean to me you’ve made my life in his house harder.
“Thanks the pedant of protection, I would have probably finagled my way out of it”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 3:36pm Paul’s friendship chat..
Paul says from day one he knew Cody was a hot head. Says he gave the friendship bracelet to Cody and Christmas because he wanted to see what their strengths were and Cody did by winning the HOH.
Paul says he threw the first HOH so Cody would win it get all the power and get blood on his hands.
Paul – it was beautiful
Paul – thank you for the pedant of protection, I would have probably finagled my way out of it
“I’m 23, I’m going to look, theirs beautiful girls around, I’m not over here like…. “
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 12:32pm Jason and Kevin
Jason – don’t believe anything anyone says about me
Kevin says he just talks to Paul.. and with Paul he’s doing most of the talking
Jason says Ramses is telling people that Kevin flipped..
Kevin says ramses better stop talking about what happened in the past once Cody goes he’s a target.
Kevin – Jillian wasn’t going to last anyone… 8 votes against her
Big Brother 19 Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony Results “I’ve played this game before”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here Paul used the Veto ON josh. Nominations are Cody, Alex and Ramses 11:33am JOsh and Jessica fighting Apparently Josh had some big Speech.. Josh – hop your a$$ outta here.. who’s going to look like the biggest fool Jess – you do buddy, cause […]
Alex “She is trying to headhunt you. Make her think you like her. She’s desperate for attention.”
Alex – I cannot stand Jessica. She didn’t come down here for two weeks and now all of a sudden she wants to be friends with us?! And she’s mean. Jason – yeah. Alex – what’s his name heard you guys talking about battle back again. Jason – who? Alex – you and Cody. If you were, stop it. Jason – I have no control over it, if they want a battle back then.. Alex – yeah but don’t talk about it. Jason – WHY?! Alex – because people are listening to you. Jason – I said it wouldn’t happen. Alex – it doesn’t matter. He is still trying to pawn off that it was you who flipped and they think it was him too.
Paul “As long as Alex knows and doesn’t feel uncomfortable” Jason “She can go kick rocks”
Christmas – I think our team is doing very well. Elena – I think it would be really awesome I could make it to final 4. Christmas – I work best in a team. I get fired up when someone believes in me. I know I’m capable but its just nice to have that reinforcement behind you. I will scrifice for the team. I will work hard for the team .. just don’t vote me out because I am petty. The reason you vote me out.. 1 it will never be because I back stabbed you. 2 don’t f**king have a pity party. Don’t think I can’t handle it. Because if I couldn’t handle it, I would have gone home last week. They (Production) gave me a choice and I said absolutely not.
Cody “The guys think they’re going to be targeted… target their hearts. The women.”
10:20am Kitchen floor. Jason – they’re crawling all over me … little f**kers. I’m going to start eating them. I am a toad! Jason heads to the living room lily pad and talks to Alex on the couch. Alex is still talking about the plane banner in the backyard. I don’t know if Jillian actually saw it or if she thinks she saw it because he convinced her. Jason – she saw it, she was standing right there. Alex – she thought it was real. Jason – she’s a f**king idiot then. Alex – what did it look like? Jason – it looked like clouds by the time we saw it.
“I know I can bring out insecurities in Women.. If I wanted Cody I could have had Cody”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 12:10am Paul and Jessica Jessica – I hope you win this game.. It’s stacked in your favour Paul – the odds are stacked against me and you are ignorant not to see that. Paul claiming that America gave him the protection because Cody must […]
Paul Won the Power Of Veto! Cody “Its okay, its first world problems.”
In the kitchen. Paul – I had a f**king mission and I did my mission! Kevin – how come you’re not wet? Paul – because I won the veto. When your boy says he’s going to do something he f**king does something. Matt – there were 5 different stations with a question at each station. Paul – I walked … wrong. When to the next one .. MATH .. F**k! Alex – you had to eat caviar (Elena says it was escargot, pate, fish eggs.
Havenot Temptation – Jason picks the purple box and gets 2 weeks as a havenot!
Paul – have you talked to Ramses? Kevin – no. Paul – can you give him a little word and be like.. Kevin – oh today? He isn’t going to f**k around. I’m sure of that. Paul – do mind going down there and be like man everyone is in on it. Everything is going good. Kevin – yeah. Paul – can
Mark – I’ll even be like Ramses, take it easy. Really stick it to Cody. Paul – Cody got called in already so just it might be soon. Mark – the environment is so much better than last week. Paul – he won’t even look at me. He just looks down. Kevin heads downstairs. Paul – I can’t wait to find out more about Kevin. There’s something more to him.
“I’m going to hand him his bag on Thursday and open the door.. Give him a little wink”
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 10:40am Matt, Josh and Paul HOH Matt is complaining about Cody Kevin joins them. They keep talking about Cody … Paul likens the George St.Pierre Nick Diaz feud in MMA to the feud with Cody. Paul – I’m going to hand him his bag […]