EP 24 – HOH Competition – Drunk Speeches Ika Dillon Kevin and Karen Speeches from HG’s will be read out as if they were drunk. They have to answer listen and identify which day the speeches were given. Bruno – Day 48 (Dillon Incorrect) Cassandra – Day 20 Dallas – Day 10 (Ika, Dillon, Karen […]
Month: May 2017

“it’s going to be a 2 zero vote and I’ll say I love you I’ll see you in the Jury next week.. bye”
Karen goes on that Dillon is playing for second and that is what cost him his game.
Karen – his game ends because of that move
Karen – I have no problem sending people to Jury
Ika says Kevin thinks that Karen will be tormented with voting Dillon out
Karen – it’s going to be a 2 zero vote and I’ll say I love you I’ll see you in the Jury next week bye

OBB Kraken Hour Episode 9
Going back to our shorter format. This episode has a special Guest from Big Brother Canada 5. Simon and Nick ask them the real tough questions delving deep into their game play and strategy. We also bring up some rumors for Big Brother 19 casting and Simon being the grump he is rants about how […]

“We are deciding who goes and Demetres is probabaly staying.. Second is good enough” -Karen
Karen Demetres and Ika
Karen going on about how she doesn’t want the “Weak ass people” to win this season.
Karen says people will think she is weak but she’s not she’s here because she’s built relationships and trust with people.
Demetres – and you stuck to Dillon
Karen claiming she’s been with Ika and Demetres since day one.

“It sucks man it’s a 4 vs 1 .. I was talking to my stuffed Pig last night he doesn’t want to take me either”
Dillon and Kevin in the HOH
Kevin – Demetres has to go.. He has to go, He’s the biggest threat
Kevin – He’s going to make a pitch to you if he hasn’t already made it to you
Dillon – yeah he’s already made it
Kevin – the kid is strong
Kevin – yeah he is big time

Kevin – “I’m putting Ika and Demetres on the block today, they won’t survive this week they just won’t”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ (Videos are uploading it may take about 30 minutes) Ika and Demetres in their red room (lotsa retelling events from the season) They talk about Karen and how big of a mistake it was to put Karen on the block […]

Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 23 Recap Triple Eviction
BB CAN 5 – EP 23 Triple Eviction Kevin won HOH Ika and Jackie are on the block. Two other people will be leaving in a 2nd eviction this episode. Test Drive 86 Demetres winning POV also gets to pick his co-pilot on the test drive. He chooses between Bruno, Sindy and Neda. He decides […]

“everyone is scared right now .. I don’t give 2 cents I’m voting her out”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ Triple eviction spoilers Jackie evicted (Dre was the only vote to evict Ika) Demetres won the HOH nominated William, Dre and kevin Kevin won Power of Veto. Dillon was the replacement nominee. Dre and William evicted. All three votes went […]

Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 22 Recap
Big Brother Canada 5 – Episode 22 Recap Kevin won HOH Ika and Demetres are on the block. Power of Veto is called Drive Down Memory Lane Competitors are: Kevin, Ika, Dre, Demetres, Dilion, Jackie Competitors have to do a car commercial answering questions they had to answer on day 18. They then will do […]

“If I could have grabbed him and thrown his ass over that figgin balcony I would have done it”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ Ika in the morning.. Ika is going on about having a low self esteem disorder. 10:50am Dre and Ika Ika saying that William has become a bigger target in the house. Dre wonders is Kevin is going to try to […]

Ika to Kevin, Because of William “Every single person in this house has called you disgusting”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ Dre and Ika Bathroom (Karen sleeping for the first bit) Ika and Dre whisper how William is in love with Kevin. Ika says William needs to realize he’s got feelings for Kevin that Kevin doesn’t have for William. Ika says […]

“If Kevin wanted you out he would have not put Jackie up” – Demetres
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA https://www.hidemyass.com/vpn/r16399/ They had a party last night with alcohol.. so Big Brother Canada blocked the feeds all night. Demetres used the Power of Veto in himself and Kevin nominated Jackie Ika and Demetres middle of the night Ika talking about a […]