Here we go again. Another episode of the famous Onlinebigbrother Kraken hour.. HAR HAR.. Hope you all enjoy. Waiting for this weeks Kraken episode to upload #BBCAN5 — (@bigbspoilers) April 24, 2017
Month: April 2017

Power of Veto Results – “I can’t believe William won”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Veto Players: Demetres, Kevin, Bruno, Dre, Ika and William Power of Veto Winner is William William now has the power to take both nominees off the block. Dre talking to Ika “I can’t believe William won” Ika tells Kevin is […]

Bruno about the Vets vs Newbs – “They didn’t outplay us we outplayed ourselves”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Veto Players: Demetres, Kevin, Bruno, Dre, Ika and William Kevin in the storage room Kevin says the only way he can survive in the game is if he wins the veto today. Kevin says if the house house see’s Bruno […]

“There’s 5 people that don’t have to do anything and there’s 4 people that are playing for their lives”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Bruno, Kevin, Ika and Demetres HOH Bruno – right now there’s 5 people in the middle that are laughing .. they want to pit you and Ika against me and Kevin Bruno – we need to reset this week Bruno […]

Eviction Day – Happy Birthday Sindy
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Spoiler Sindy was evicted by a vote of 6-1, Kevin voted for her as was the plan. Demetres won hoh Kevin and Bruno make Sindy our Birthday Breakfast. They put the sign up that Bruno, Kevin and jackie made for […]

“Right now I still feel it’s Bruno, Kevin Sindy.. If you were in my position you would see that as trio”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA (There was a sh1t ton of game talk this morning. It’s going to take some time to upload all these videos. ) Sindy and Dre Red Room Sindy – Dre can I ask you a question.. how are you voting […]

“say whatever you have to say Sindy.. throw us under the bus.. me and Bruno are enemy number 1”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Ika and Dre in the morning Ika talking about Bruno and Kevin trying to get Dillon to put her up. Ika says she saw Sindy bawling late last night. Ika adds Dillon was with her. Sindy left for the Diary […]

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “6 Vs 3 .. I’ve seen worst odds.. not that bad… it’s bad”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Power of Veto Ceremony Results Sindy nominated Conversations Before POV Ceremony The feeds were blocked for most of the day. Morning wake up Demetres, Ika and Dre They believe that sindy is going up. This flashed on the feeds. 12:15pm […]

“Karen.. you gotta forget week 1 you gotta forget week 2 it’s a total different game”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Bruno – what do you think of the veto this week Karen – its a wild card.. us four could go up.. Karen says even though Bruno and Kevin made a deal with Dillon they still could go up. Of […]

OBB Kraken Hour Episode 6
This should be the last of the episodes with just Simon. Next week we’ll be going back to our regular program. In this episode I go over the state of the house as of Sunday night. I talk about the HOH and Sindy’s big move. Show a bunch of pic of Dillon’s butt, tip over […]

Power of Veto Winner “Who would have guessed that was the veto”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN. We recommend HMA Power of Veto Players Picked = Dillon, Demetres, Jackie, Ika, Sindy and William Power of Veto winner is Demetres 9:13pm Feeds come back they’re all locked in the hot tub area. Bruno – “Who would have guessed that was the […]

“Sindy is completely loyal to them, Sindy, Bruno Kevin were high fiving”
Watch the feeds for free from the US using a VPN we recommend HMA Power of Veto Players Picked = Dillon, Demetres, Jackie, Ika, Sindy and William Karen – I think the only showmance Kevin is with is one you (William) or 2 a bottle of lotion, I’m just saying 11:02am Karen and Ika […]