8:05pm In the living room – After Julie’s message about notifying the house guests that America will be nominating a 3rd house guest each week, the house guests discuss the new twist. Shelby says so basically we don’t want to talk sh*t about the person with the biggest home town. Monte – we’re all going to be up there at some point.
Month: October 2016
“the cracks in the cement are going to form no matter how good you pour the concrete”
2:22pm Jason and Monte HOH
Jason – it’ll do me no benefit to site outside and not talk to you one last time
Monte says she likes everyone “This sucks” Says he wishes there was 2 people he really didn’t like.
Monte – with it being the first time I’ll have to dilly dally… what the heck.. (WTF)
Monte says it’s not personal
Jason agrees none of this is personal
Monte highlights this is his first time.
Jason “I’m the twist! Why are you trying to take out the twist and not weaponize it!?”
8pm Backyard – Cornbread, Jason, Neeley, Kryssie, Shelby, Scott, Whitney and Monte are hanging out chatting. Jason mentions how some people when they get off the show want to sell all their BB stuff on ebay. He says he didn’t sell anything. I would never sell my BB bag and now I’m going to have two of them! Everyone leaves the couches but Shelby, Whitney and Alex. Whitney – I don’t think Shane and Danielle talk about anything game related.
Jason – “The faster I smoke these cigarettes the faster I get a nicotine patch and quit..”
1:25pm Cornbread and Monte HOH Room
Monte says when he puts Jason up they’ll have to do damage control he’s going to tell Jason he has an advantage over everyone else and that is why.
Corn says he’s going to quiet down a bit because he thinks he’s been talking too much
MOnte says he’s only heard good things about him.
Monte tells him that him and Shane will be the targets Cornbread is safe. MOnte brings up Jason offering him an alliance yesterday.
Justin “I give no f**ks! I’m a monster! I’m a real savage when it comes down to this sh*t!”
3:25am Backyard couch – Jason, Kryssie and Justin are chatting. Justin – I know Shane and your boy Monte .. I know they’re coming for me. I could really give no f**ks, I don’t care because come that veto. Him voting me in sh*t would probably be one of the worst decisions. Its so early in the game! Like I’m a monster! I’m a real savage when it comes down to this sh*t. I don’t care what it is I ain’t losing. Kryssie – and you don’t want to poke the sleeping bear first week.
Monte plans to nominate Jason & Kryssie with Shelby as the replacement nom.
7:10pm Shelby and Monte are in the HOH room talking. Shelby – you just got chosen by luck. Monte – I can tell that people already felt threatened or feel nervous around me. Which makes me think that people might be targeting me after this week. Which makes me nervous. Shelby – but you can also provide a huge asset if we have physical challenges. Monte – I could be a heck of an ally too. Shelby – we’re here but I get that you’re not the screw people over type.