9:30am In the high roller room – Maddy says that yesterday she was talking to Tim and asked if Kelsey ever told you in the audience right before she came on stage? It has to do with the brothers. (Loveita told Kelsey she heard someone in the audience scream not to trust the brothers.) Why do you think the brothers are so close and feel protected with Kelsey. Mitch asks but why would she want to help them, unless they split and she is waiting until they do. Maddy asks are they dating? Is Kelsey dating Phil? Are they cousins?
Month: April 2016

Big Brother Canada 4 April 6 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used 1 POV Ceremony April 4th HOH Winner: Raul Next HOH: April 6th Original Nominations: Joel and Mitch Current Nominations: Joel and Mitch Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas Have Nots Joel, Ramsey, Brothers and Maddy Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 […]

Mitch “If you don’t vote for me and I’m on jury then you will never have my vote!”
4:30pm In the bedroom – Joel tells Tim even if you make a decision to go the other way and I’m still here, I won’t hold any grudges. Tim says my only decision is in my head. Am I choosing to not be a wildcard by voting Mitch out. I don’t want in on the three (Jared, Kelsey, Raul). Unlike Cass and the brothers, they want in with the three. I have other ideas how to break them up. Mitch judged me and felt intimidated by me. He just didn’t trust me. I’ve made my decision and now I just need some time to work out the next few steps. I just have to make sure within this particular move

Mitch “Should I stay here.. both Nikki and I will swear 3 different things”
9:30am In the bedroom – Mitch talks to Nikki in the bedroom. Mitch says they would presume you and me would save each other so if I could offer them.. If one of us is there you have two votes to save you. Or if we win HOH we won’t put you up. Or and this one might be harder for you.. If I go up against them and someone else, you vote to save them because I think that’s the only why they’ll think … I think I’ll just say that for now because they know you’re honest. I’ll say if I go up in that triple the only reason I am here is because of you, so she has to save you.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 5 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used No POV Ceremony April 4th HOH Winner: Raul Next HOH: April 6th Original Nominations: Joel and Mitch Current Nominations: Joel and Mitch Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas Have Nots Joel, Ramsey, Brothers and Maddy Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 […]

Maddy “F**k no am I doing a final four with you f**k heads!”
1pm – 2:15pm In the bedroom – Mitch tells Maddy to be careful with them. They play people to get information. Be careful what you say. Like want information you give out. Maddy says Jared and Kelsey approached me and Ramsey saying that they wanted to work with us. And that we’re to still pretend we’re going after each other. If you really wanted to keep this rivalry why would we vote with you. Maddy says F**k no am I doing final four with you f**k heads. Mitch says that’s something that could be used to tell the brothers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were doing the same thing with the brothers.

Tim “I’m sick of being treated like a group of special needs mentally ill patients”
9:35am – 10am Nick and Tim stayed up until the sunrise and asked big brother if they completed their task. Big Brother told them they would get back to them. Tim waited another half hour and asked again. Big Brother told him again they would get back to them. Tim said he was going to bed because as far as he was concerned they stayed up all night. They then went to bed and got an hour of sleep before big brother woke them all up. Tim gets into the pool. I am so sensitive today. I feel like crying.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 4 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used No POV Ceremony April 4th HOH Winner: Raul Next HOH: April 6th Original Nominations: Joel and Mitch Current Nominations: Joel and Mitch Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas Have Nots Joel, Ramsey, Brothers and Maddy Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 […]

Jared “Can we still be friends or am I too cancerous?” Mitch “Cancer can be treated” Jared “So can little rats!”
1:40pm Bathroom – Phil tells Jared that any time anyone brings you guys up I try to defect it. Jared tells Phil about how Kelsey told them how when she was watching Mitch would go around from group to group. Phil says I’m voting him out. Its guaranteed. Jared says he’s still trying to pitch us against each other. Jared tells Mitch that was quite the speech. I ddind know you had it in you. We were all surprised. Mitch joins them. Jared asks can we still be friends outside of this or am I too cancerous. Mitch says cancer can be treated. Jared says so can little rats. Mitch leaves.

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “Those f**kers got lucky! Fake Double Eviction!”
8:45am The house guests are waking up for the day. Out in the hot tub room. Kelsey tells Jared you guys have to make up. Jared says I don’t care, we have to make up every day. We’re in a group of caddy people and she’s being caddy. (Cassandra) Jared says I don’t care what she does. You need to make face with Maddy. She would like to be your friend. Kelsey says now she wants to be my friend. I do feel kind of bad for Maddy because she is miserable right now.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 3 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 4th HOH Winner: Raul Next HOH: April 6th Original Nominations: Joel and Mitch Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, DAllas Have Nots Joel, Ramsey, Brothers and Maddy Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 […]

Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feed black out results
Feeds were down all weekend while the Houseguests decided who out of the two fake double evictees comes back. Kelsey enter the house Head of Household winner Raul First player out Maddy Second – Ramsey Third – Kelsey 4th out – Cassandra 5th out – Joel 6th out – Niki 7th out – Jared 8th […]