When the live feeds return – Kelsey, Jared and Raul are out in the hot tub room. Inside the house – Tim asks is there like a charity or something they could give it to? Like some kind of half way house or charity? Joel says yeah. Tim says I’ll ask they if they can just give it to them. Nikki asks what are you going to get? Tim says I’m not, I’ll give it away. I can’t get chairs and ship them. (Tim won a gift certificate to The Brick – Likely 5 or 10K)
Month: April 2016

Veto Ceremony Results! “I’m tried of people bullying other people into what they want!”
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Ramsey asks so what do we say to him? Should we just not even beat around the bush? Its gotten to this point in the game where people understand who people are .. and we’ve decided that we do want to work with you. Then we list off a bunch of reasons why he should work with us. Ramsey says we’ll be a threesome. Maddy says I’d have a threesome with Tim… he would be wild. Ramsey asks so what does an alliance mean though. He’s into all that bullsh*t. Its a group with one common goal.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 10 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 11th HOH Winner: Maddy Next HOH: April 14th Original Nominations: Jared and Kelsey Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch Have Nots Raul, Nikki, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feeds anywhere […]

Nick tells Cass he’s been suffering from an illness his entire life called cyclothymia.
2:50pm Hot Tub – Maddy tells Phil, Nick, Cass, Joel that she has a secret. I’ll ask Cassandra first if she knows. Maddy then whispers to Cassandra if she knows about how the audience yelling not to trust the brothers when Kelsey/Loveita were evicted. Cassandra whispers back and tells Maddy I wouldn’t tell them, it will make them super sketchy and weird. Kelsey might have just made it up too. Maddy then tells the brothers and Joel she isn’t going to say it now.

Kelsey “I hate that Maddy thinks I bullied her this whole time. I just hate the cattiness of it.”
8:30am In the kitchen – Joel, Tim and Nikki are talking. Nikki asks Joel if Maddy and the brothers set up a deal or something? Joel shakes his head no. Tim says yeah 100%! And I’ve heard through someone else that they have. Nikki asks what do you reckon it is? Tim says its a truce deal… so we won’t come after you, you don’t come after me. Joel says but Maddy talked to me and Phil and mentioned the plan to put Rual up and then Rual would go home. Then as soon as Maddy left Phil said that she was going to be on her own after. Tim says the brothers have the same truce deal with Rual.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 9 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 11th HOH Winner: Maddy Next HOH: April 14th Original Nominations: Jared and Kelsey Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch Have Nots Raul, Nikki, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feeds anywhere […]

Power Of Veto Results! Cass “All I’m doing is planting the seed (Raul), I’m the gardener!”
6:40pm Tim and Cassandra are in the bedroom. Tim says he’s getting a little home sick. He says he just wants to go downstairs and not have to cook for anyone. Tim tells Cassandra that Maddy needs to be very smart about what she does. Cassandra says I think people need to plant the Raul seed. Cassandra says that she felt really claustrophobic in that maze. Tim says our best case is if Raul goes up. Cassandra says that Maddy will listen to you. Tim says And if Jared wants it too then boom. Tim says I’m not getting involved. Jared will have to make a deal with Maddy.

Power Of Veto Players Picked! Tim “If we were to save Jared he would be indebted to us”
8:50am In the kitchen – Tim tells Joel that he thinks Jared might end up going over her (Kelsey). Joel says I think he would if its the two on the block at the end. Tim says we need to think about .. I know Cassandra said that she doesn’t know what’s the best thing for us and the three. Tim says when she (Kelsey) left he gained the groups trust in that he became quite exclusive .. people respected him as a leader .. and when she came back he went straight back into the three (Jared/Kelsey/Raul).

Big Brother Canada 4 week 7 Nomination Spoilers
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 11th HOH Winner: Maddy Next HOH: April 14th Original Nominations: Jared and Kelsey Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch Have Nots Raul, Nikki, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live Feeds anywhere […]

Maddy “How do I get Jared out? People would be stupid to vote out Nikki over Jared or Kelsey”
In the bathroom – Tim, Jared, Kelsey, Joel and Cassandra are talking about the HOH competition last night. They discuss how the question was worded wrong and how they were right and Maddy was actually wrong. Tim says the question was did the jackpot go off before or after Joel won the task to get a toast master. Kelsey says ..on day 15. Tim says it is correct that the jackpot went off before Joel won the task to get a toast master. Jared says because the jackot went off on day 12 or day 10 or something.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 7 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 9th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 11th HOH Winner: Maddy Next HOH: April 14th Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch Have Nots Want to watch the Big Brother Canada 4 live feeds but live […]

Big Brother Canada 4 Joel Vs Mitch Eviction & HOH Spoilers!
Last week the returning house guest twist really shook up the house especially for Mitch’s game. The house unanimously voted for Kelsey to return to the game and along with Maddy’s duck she brought inside information from her time in the secret suite with Loveita. Kelsey was shocked to learn that not only was Mitch pretending to be with (Jared/Kelsey/Raul), he was also in an alliance with Loveita, and Joel. Kelsey and Jared originally wanted to use this information at a later date but Raul emotionally confronted Mitch which forced their hand.