12pm Alone in the backyard Steve talks to himself/the live feeders. “As I said at the veto meeting .. the veto was a short term solution to a long term problem. Very happy I won it, very thankful I won it. No right to complain. Happy I’m not in Jace’s position. I absolutely have more to do prior to the next HOH. As you already know I’ve been making a lot of 1 week deals … I mean Vanessa .. Oh and by the way I’m throwing the next HOH because lines are going to be drawn in the sand. And I don’t want to make sure .. If I were to win HOH people would see me as the ring.. Because there’s kind of the inside and the outside.
Month: June 2015

James calls Meg a club rat. Meg “I am not!” Jeff “Meg just smells like bad decisions!”
9:15am – 10:15am Big Brother blocks the live feeds to wake up the house guests. When then feeds return – Johnny Mac, Steve and Jason are out in the backyard. The others are inside getting ready for the day. Jason says it doesn’t help that I’m up for 3 minutes and I already have a coffee. I’m just pretending I’m at Dunkin’Donuts. Let a bit*h live her life. Jason and Johnny talk about ouija boards. Johnny wonders if there’s a proper way to destroy a ouija board if something bad happens. Clay joins them and complains about a sore neck. Jason asks if he’s going to get Meg to massage that. Clay comments it’s not one of the things she’s good at… painting your fingernails, massaging.

Audrey “He said it was you!” Jason “He can eat a d!ck! I will F**king Chima his a$$ right now!”
12:15am UP in the HOH room – James, Clay, DaVonne, Audrey, Jason. James is confronting the problem of there being a snitch in their group. The nomination song that was never actually said got leaked to Jace. James says that James says someone in our group is not in our group. Audrey – we have to be careful because there’s a rumor that he is going to cause fireworks when before he leaves. What if it was Jeff before our group came together. James says if he comes clean and admits it then we let it go. Audrey asks what if no one admits it? James says then I can’t trust anyone. DaVonne says its a rat.

Shelli – “you guys are taking little tiny things you hear and blowing them up”
10:39pm HOH Audrey, Clay and Shelli
Audrey – I’m just backing off this week
Clay – every talk I’ve had with Vanessa is like that.. I think she’s sincere
Shelli talking about some of the stories Asudrey told her about not trusting Vanessa. Audrey keeps interrupting her. Shelli asks her to stop says in all the conversations they’ve had she’s only talked for 5 minutes.

Audrey – “The advice I gave him, you have to stop causing so much drama”
Audrey – I never dominate the conversations I’m a bystander.
Audrey points out to him she doesn’t know who told JAmes all she knows it was a last minute thing “I’m a bystander”
Jace says he’s going to call a house meeting and she might hear her name then but first he needs to figure out who backstab him.
Jace says he really liked Audrey this is really hard for him, “What am I supposed to do.. I just f****g hate this game man”
Audrey says for him to question the people he trusted. “I don’t have time for the gossip”

Jace – “I heard you had an eviction song.. Long hair, don’t care, get in the eviction chair”
6:18pm Jace and Liz
Jace says if the producers gave him another chance to fight it would be crazy.
Liz says she doesn’t care how the house is going to vote she’s voting Jackie to leave.
Liz – do you thin kit was james of Audrey
JAce – I wish I knew

Audrey’s advice – “Relax have a good day don’t try to overthink anything”
4:14pm Cabana Audrey, Shelli
Audrey says Austin, her, Shelli, clay and Vanessa are going to have a meeting and form a solid group. Audrey wishes Austin wasn’t in it but it’s good they can utilize the different groups in the house to target each other.
Shelli – I’m up for it

Power Of Veto Ceremony Results! “You f**ked up! For real! You’re a liar!”
In the kitchen – James says its just a game. The cameras switch to the HOH room. Becky is talking to Audrey. She says its a blessing to be HOH but comes with a curse. The feeds switch back to the kitchen where James asks hows Austin doing out there? He’s probably feeling like sh*t. Jason says he is probably going to throw you and Audrey under the bus …like they agreed to do this. He’s just doing damage control now in case I win. James says yeah I knew that. James heads up to the HOH room.

Jason “Hope you enjoyed that f**kery buffoonery. Audrey took paranoid pills & lost her damn mind”
10:45am Out in the backyard – Jason and Johnny Mac are chatting about random things. They talk about the spelling competition. Jason brings up how Jeff Schroeder’s word was Technotronics and they made fun of him all season for that one. But the other guys word was shotgun so I don’t know how good that is. Johnny asks when does jury usually start. Jason says the dates usually change because it depends on how many people are left in the game. Jason says in August. Johnny Mac says jury duty! Johnny heads inside. Jason says to the camera good morning. Hope you enjoyed that f**kery last night. Audrey took some paranoid pills last night and lost her damn mind.

Austin asks so I should let this blindside happen. So I shouldn’t get mad?
9:10am Backyard. Vanessa and Austin are out in the backyard. Vanessa says if Jace goes out this week. I think you should use your WWE skills to fake an injury. At least give you space until I win. That way if I win or Liz wins at least you could heal. You would be put up next to someone who would also be physical. Vanessa says I just caught Clay in a lie. He and Audrey aren’t on the same page. Audrey pretty much confirmed an alliance and Clay flat out lied to my face. Austin asks maybe he is trying to be loyal to that alliance and Audrey is not. Vanessa says could be but why would he throw those people under the bus? He is pretty sure Jace is going home. Austin asks where does Jeff stand.

DaVonne “I heard so many rumors about me! I ain’t going down without a fight!”
1am In the havenot room – Becky is apologizing to Jace for shhh’ing him again after she had told him a couple days ago she wouldn’t do that any more. Jace says that others had come to him asking if everything was okay between them. Jace tells her that as a man its really hard to be Shhh’d in group settings. Becky says that she’s so sorry and is trying to stop. I would hate to go home because of shhh’ing. Jace says there are others I want to go home, not you. Becky says I’m going to try so hard to not do it any more. They hug and leave the room. Jace heads to the bathroom to talk to Austin and Vanessa.

Jackie – “I’m more comfortable with my legs open”
11:00pm Backyard Random conversations. For a while Jace was complaining about Becky “Shushing” him.
Jackie – “I’m more comfortable with my legs open”
Explains it’s because she’s a dancer.