Now that Big Brother Canada 3 has come to a close, we all know you’re craving for Big Brother 17 to start. The first of the TWO Night Première episode of Big Brother 17 will air on June 24th at 8pm on CBS. If you’re a fan of Big Brother you know there is more to the reality TV show than just the 3 weekly episodes. You’ll often notice that the episodes don’t accurately depict what actually happens inside the house and definitely don’t show you everything that happens. By following our live feed updates and signing up for the live feeds you can enjoy your summer knowing you won’t miss a minute of the action.
Month: May 2015

Big Brother Canada Season 3 Finale Summary and Results
Final 3 Jury Twist.
The Final 3 are locked in the vault where they have to decide on who to evict from the Jury house. They must all come together on this vote it has to be unanimous. AS a result of this vote the Jury will go down from 10 to 9. Ashleigh proposes they both pick two people they want to keep on the Jury. She picks Zach/Pili, Sarah picks Willow/Brittnee. Godfrey doesn’t think this is the best approach to take says he doesn’t have two people. An argument ensues but is cut short to be shown on the Wednesday show.

Big Brother Canada 3 Episode 28 Recap – And Then There Were 3
With the finale of Big Brother Canada 3 in just 2 days, tonight is when we learn the identity of the final 3 house guests. Before the live feeds were turned off for the season we knew that both Sarah and Ashleigh were guaranteed spots in the final three. The remaining spot comes down to who Ashleigh would want to be sitting next to in the final 3. As Ashleigh was on the block and had won the veto its safe to say she used it to remove herself from the block and Brittnee was the only remaining choice to be the replacement nominee.

Big Brother Canada Finale Week Schedule and Live Feed summary
Feeds went down for the season at Saturday at 11:30am. Before the feeds went dark Arisa told the house guests they were having an eviction in one hour. As of now we can assume that Brittnee was evicted and the Final 3 is Godfrey, Sarah and Ashleigh. This is going to be a tight race a very exciting final 3 battle. For all three a lot rides on winning this final competition.

Final Day of the Big Brother Canada 3 Live Feeds “I’m irritated for carrying Godfrey here”
8am – 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests and blocks the feeds. When the feeds return – Brittnee is cleaning the kitchen. She then starts making breakfast. Meanwhile, Ashleigh and Godfrey are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Sarah joins Brittnee. Britt says I keep waiting for this thing (Veto Ceremony) to pop up on the screen… because of all the allegations that come after it. Brittnee “I’m f**king tired! Like really tired!” They talk about how they don’t know how Zach ignored the rooster every day.

Power Of Veto Competition Results! Sarah & Ashleigh are Guaranteed Final 3!
Big Brother blocked the feeds for the power of veto competition. This veto competition is the most important one of the season as the winner is the sole person who decides who they want to evict and essentially who they want in the final 3. If Sarah the head of household were to win this veto she would then decide who is the sole vote by using the veto or not using it.

Sarah “I just don’t like it when you get grumpy with me” Britt “No you get really snappy!”
8:25am – 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah gets up and goes to get the new batteries. When she comes back – Britt asks Sarah if she’s alright? Sarah says sorry I just don’t like it when you get grumpy with me for no reason. Brittnee says no you get really snappy with me. I just said we have to get up. Sarah says you said “you” have to get up. Brittnee says I said we. Sarah says you said you! Brittnee says maybe I meant to say “we” so I apologize. But you don’t have to get snappy with me! Sarah says I am sorry but I just feel like I was matching your tone.

“I’ve put in a lot of work, a lot of covering her (Sarah), I’m not even guaranteed final 3” -B
8:00pm HOH Ashleigh, Brittnee and Godfrey
Godfrey and Ashleigh chatting about the season and past houseguests..
Godfrey called into the Diary room leaving Brittnee and Ashleigh. Ashleigh says she’s so nervous about these next couple days but also really excited.
Brittnee it’s hard to know it’s almost over.. It’s been really hard.. I miss my family and friends so much that is the one thing Zach and I bonded on.

Gary Levy & Ika Wong Enter the House to style the house Guests for the Awards Show!
2:30pm The cameras focus on the front door. The door bell then rings and all the house guests jump up. The HOH room door is still locked and when Big Brother opens it the house guests rush to the front door. Gary enters the house and tells them he is here to style them for the Big Brother Awards show tonight! He tells them he’s not alone and has someone else with him. Sarah asks if its Neda!? The opens and Ika Wong from Big Brother Canada 2 enters the house. They head to the bathroom and wait for word from Big Brother. Big Brother radios Gary and they all head to the HOH room. In the HOH room – Big Brother has a clothing rack with awards show outfits for all of the house guests.

Big Brother 17 Commercial “Big Brother put the Crazy in Crazy!”
Get ready Big Brother fans! Your summer guilty pleasure is coming in just over a month with a TWO NIGHT Première starting June 24th @ 8pm on CBS. Applications and submissions for the casting process have wrapped up and the cast for this coming season is now in the hands of the casting directors. Casting director Robyn Kass, stated in a recent interview that they were looking for something “new” and “fresh” this season. (Big surprise there) What type of cast would you like to see this season?

Sarah “We’ve been optimistic all throughout the game even when we didn’t have anything.”
8:30am – 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. The live feeds are blocked. When the live feeds return – Sarah and Brittnee are in the kitchen. Sarah asks so what does that mean… veto comp and ceremony today? Brittnee says I don’t know it could just be nominations. Sarah says yeah I guess it could just be nominations. They wanted it to be ceremonial. Brittnee says she must have really wanted me out judging by their reaction. Brittnee asks Sarah if its going to show that Naeha didn’t trust me? Sarah says I don’t think so because she was all over the place. Maybe.

“sitting with me in the final a easy 100 grand yo.. I’m just being realistic man”
AShleigh joins them. They start speculating about the week. ashleigh thinks it will be sped up.
Sarah tells them she’s putting Godfrey and Ashleigh up.
Ashleigh thinks Sarah has a shot at winning with either her or Godfrey. Sarah doesn’t think she has a shot with anybody. She lists off all the Jury members