4:25pm In the bedroom – Sarah says I hate this. Sindy says I know. Did you eat? Sarah says no. I am going to have to stuff myself before the HOH. I have to win. Sindy says or you could keep me and I could help you win. Sarah says I talked to them and there’s no chance, like zero. There’s no way. Godfrey isn’t going to do what Bruno and Bobby do. What you’ve done for me is priceless because the rest of the house is like this. Everything is out in the open now. Sarah says I have no where to go. Since week 1 its been what the house wants. Godfrey is sweet he just says anything.
Month: April 2015

Bruno “I was ready to do whatever I had to do” Sarah “You almost killed your mother-in-law”
12:40pm In the bedroom – Zach is massaging Ashleigh’s legs. They start talking about hamsters. Zach says they’re the stupidest things in the world. They’re basically rats with fur. Ash says and no tails. Zach “The hamster makers grow them in a lab with rats and chop their tails off” Zach says when he was a kid his parents told him he could have a pet and then they got him a gold fish. He says it was the most boring-est pet.. I just fed it until it got fat, floated to the surface and died. If you’re going to get your child a pet it should be a dog or a cat.

Bobby tells Sarah “He (Zach) could actually go home on his birthday!” Sarah “I know!”
10am In the bathroom – Sarah says now we roll with the punches and see. Brittnee says that the guys are getting all mocho and wanting to take each other out. So we just go with it and let them. Sarah says we just be nice to everyone.. Go to them and talk to them. Britt says I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job of that. Sarah heads to the HOH room and climbs in bed with Willow. Sarah tells Willow that she is waking up quite chipper this morning. Sarah says she’s going to be like Bobby today and put on her bathing suit and climb in the hot tub. Willow comments that she needs her sneakers.. I’m walking around like mowgli.

Before we strike “I think we should wait for 2 more people to go for sure” -Zach
11:54pm HOH The Diapers
Zach wants to win the HOH so bad and not even give Godfrey a chance to play for POV.
Kevin says he just had a chat with Bruno/Bobby were totally up for final 7.
Ashleigh wants them to get rid of Bob/Bruno because Sarah/Brittnee are worse at competitions. Pilar agrees B and Sarah. Zach says if Bobby/bruno win HOH they will take a shot at Brittnee/Sarah

Zach “Willow is coming to our side, people are pulling away from them I can feel it”
10:26pm Kevin and Zach bedroom
Zach – I think B and Sarah are ok.. They want Bobby out and Ashleigh has done some talking to Sarah..
Kevin doesn’t want to wait any longer to take a shot at Bobby/Bruno
Zach – “Bring in B and Sarah when we do”
Zach thinks Bobby’s Veto is legit

Willow – I’m going to leave here and be in a psychiatric ward ward for 10 years
8:15pm Bedroom Bruno Willow and Sarah
Willow lets them in on her conversation with the Diapers. Willow tells bruno she can’t do it anymore talking to the Diaper, ‘They are f***g nuts”
Willow says they are wanting to backdoor Godfrey and she thinks they are going to put her up.
They told her they aren’t putting up Kevn as a pawn.
Sarah – doesn’t he realize how F***g obvious he is
Bruno – He’s f***ed

Sarah – “Zach never once did “the chop” in the DR, he made everyone else be so loyal to it when he wasn’t”
4:30pm In the bathroom – Zach and Sarah are talking about Bobby’s secret veto. Sarah tells Zach that Bobby told Sindy about it. Zach says I think he has it because of how safe he is walking around this house. Sarah questions if that’s a good thing to lie about. Zach says and him throwing the HOH’s drives me absolutely nuts! Sarah agrees. Zach says I go into HOH’s with my heart beating out of my chest. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Bruno “If I win HOH, I’m going to crush that speech. The first time I was nice but not this time.”
1:50pm Bobby and Bruno are driving. Bruno says its a no brainer.. and she needs our votes. Bobby agrees. Bruno says if I win HOH … I am going to crush that speech. The first time I was nice but not this time. I am going to go balls to the walls. Bobby tells Bruno he’s got him. Bruno says I am going to need you because when I put them up they’re going to know I’m coming for them. Ashleigh comes to take over for Bobby. Bruno says that he wants to stay on till they’re out of Ottawa. Ashleigh says that the obvious thing to do would be to put up B and Sarah but that puts more light on the chop shop.

Big Brother Canada 3 – Willow about Zach ” It was like I was in a abusive relationship.”
11:50am Bruno says if I win I’m going for them. Sarah says if I win I’m going to say good for you if one of you win the veto because one of your girlfriends is going up. Bruno says that Zach is freaking out because he’s lied to everyone. Sarah says that Canada doesn’t cheer when someone’s closest goes up there you know. Bruno agrees. Willow joins them. Bruno tells them we just really need to try for the HOH. Sarah says if its a knockout one, I don’t care I’ll show my cards. Sarah says there are only 2 people we need to worry about and then we’re good. Kevin takes over for Sarah.

Godfrey “Don’t buy one of those pu$$y a$$ cats. Get one from the streets YO! A fighter!”
7:10am – 8:30am Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the live feeds return the car is fixed and Godfrey and Brittnee are working their shift driving the highway. Godfrey asks how long would it take to get from Toronto to Calgary? Like 4 hours? Brittnee asks what you think it takes 4 hours? It takes way more than that. She tells him it would take more than a day. All of a sudden on the screen it says Big Brother Canada After Dark. (For completing the task are the House Guests going to get to BBAD on the backayrd screen?)

“Kevin just runs around making weird noises and Dry humping Pili” – Willow
12:46am Bedroom Bruno and Bobby
There some worry that Sindy will be talking Zach’s ear off and perhaps get inside his head. During the task the car broke down while Sindy and Zach were driving it. THey had to sleep in teh back yard over night.)
Bruno says the diapers only have 3 votes. There side has 5 votes. Bruno does think Sindy is good for them the only problem her mouth he says if if Sindy would just shut her face she would be better on their side because he doesn’t know where Brittnee’s head is at.

Brittnee – “I Don’t trust Kevin as far as I can throw him”
11:34pm Have nots Willow and Sarah
Willow gives Sarah the complete debrief of her conversations with Ashleigh/pilar, Bobby and Zach. Very hard to hear Willow and understand what she’s saying.
Willow says Zach “f** himself by being in four alliances”
Willow tells her Bobby doesn’t have a veto.