Jon, Adel and Neda agree to target Heather “Tell her she’s just a pawn”

11:00pm Hot Tub Room Jon and Neda

Jon says he talked to Adel and it will be a two zero vote if he puts Heather up.

Jon – “Yes that is what I want to do”
Neda – “That is what I want to do”
JOn says the way he say that comp was that Heather was going balls out.
Neda says the expression on Heather’s face after JOn won scared her.
JOn tells her about the final 2 Adel thinks they have.

Adel joins them, JOn confirms final 3 they tell Neda Heather is the target.

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Big Brother Canada HOH And Eviction Results Gremlin Vs. Gremlin

The Big Brother Canada season is nearing it’s final leg. At this stage competition wins are paramount. Two big plays are possible one to get Jon/Neda out or Neda and Jon turning on Adel/Heather before Sabrina.

Jon and Neda continue to make deals with everyone in the house, All their bases are now covered (At least on paper). Heather and Adel seem to fine with their original final 4 plan but Jon/Neda fearing betrayal are going to try and use Sabrina to take them out. (Players doing the majority of the betraying are the ones always worried about being betrayed themselves).

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Big Brother Canada 2 – Rachelle tells Jon to go suck a popsicle!

9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Adel is listening to his HOH music and dancing all over the HOH room. In the main bedroom – Rachelle says she thinks it’s going to be a double eviction tonight. Sabrina says well I’ll see you in 15 minutes then. Sabrina tries again to convince Neda to throw the HOH to her. Trust me, trust me I won’t put you up. Neda says I am just worried about there being a twist or something. Like Canada has the veto and takes Adel off and puts me up. Sabrina says even if that happened I’m the tie breaker. Neda says I will need to see what the competition is like. Sabrina says its way better for me to take out one of your alliance members than for you to. Sabrina asks Neda who she wants out. Neda says either one (Adel or Heather), it doesn’t matter to me.

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Neda plans to win HOH take out Heather/Adel “It’s only 2 votes.. we already pissed everyone else off”

8:17pm Jon and Neda Bathroom

Jon says they have to stop telling Sabs they are not going to throw the HOH.
Neda – “I talked to her and told her”
Jon – “AHHH you went without ME “
Neda – “I told her I want to win HOH because i’m scared of the twist”
Neda says she hasn’t told Sabrina it’s Heather they want to get out not Adel.
Neda – “I’m not throwing this.. I Want to win it it’s stupid if we throw it.. it’s at that point in the game where we can’t throw competition anymore”
Neda – “If it ends up being that we piss off Adel and Heather f** it we have to do it because that’s only 2 votes in jury right.. we already pissed everyone else off” Neda thinks the risks outweigh the rewards if they throw the HOH, If they need to get Heather or Adel out they will do it themselves.

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Neda says she’s 80% going to Throw the HOH to Sab’s She asks Rachelle her opinion

6:30pm Hot tub Rachelle, Sabrina nd Neda

Neda talking about throwing the HOH to Sabrina on Thursday and how she’s still “Sketched” out from it.

Sabrina – “I promise you you will not go up I promise you”
Neda – “I believe you.. I am leaning toward throwing it to you.. i’m 80% throwing it to you and 20% winning it and putting them both up”

Sabrina explains if she wins the HOH Neda’s hands will be clean she won’t have to put Heather and Adel, Sabrina will do the dirty work.

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Neda and Jon decide they can’t risk throwing the HOH to Sabrina. We’ll just tell her she’s safe..

5:25pm In the bathroom – Neda and Jon talk about what to do tomorrow. Jon says that Sabrina is driving him nuts .. its just her voice and how needy she is .. she just always has to be around people. Jon says we will just tell her that we are going to win it but that she will be safe. Neda says she will have to go up. Jon agrees. Jon says we just don’t know what will happen or if there will be a twist. Neda says I’m just scared of jury votes. Jon asks Adel what he’s doing standing right near the main door. Jon says that Adel said he saw people standing there. Sabrina and Rachelle join Neda in the bathroom. Sabrina says that Adel saw the camera point to the door and he was hearing noises outside the door. Sabrina heads to the bedroom and tells Jon to just tell her if they can’t do what they were talking about. Just don’t do that to me I can’t handle it. Jon says he promises he will tell her.

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Adel says Sabs is the most photogenic but total opposite in real life. Jon says Andrew looks like a perv*rt!

12:40pm Big Brother puts the house guests on a backyard lock down again. Neda comments on how Heather’s HG photo looks like she’s a wax figure. Jon says Ika looks stunning! Andrew is a dunce. Big Brother wakes up the Gremlins. Sabrina says if I hated poultry before I do now! Neda agrees and says when we get out lets go kill them. Jon says that’s pyscho. Neda says she just means to go help the farmers kill them. Adel says that he thinks Sabs is the most photogenic but total opposite in real life. Jon says Andrew looks like a tool. He looks like a pervert. Neda hates her own picture because he nose looks big. Jon and Neda say Paul looks exactly the same in real life. Adel says I don’t think I would be friends with Sab’s, Andrew or Allison. Jon says I don’t think I would be friends with Sarah or Kenny after. None of them think that Andrew is waiting for Allison and that he is out there sleeping with other people.

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Rachelle tells Sabrina you realize everyone is going to be like why the f**k did she not get Jon out?!

9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Heather has already been awake for awhile. She tell Adel when he gets up that she woke up with a nose bleed and couldn’t go back to sleep. She says the others in the main bedroom were being super loud last night too. JOn says that he feel like he is going to die. If I can’t sleep outside I am going to throw up. All I can taste is chicken fingers and rye. Rachelle asks him if he remembers everything? Jon says yes. Jon says I can’t believe I smoked 3 cigars last night! Jon heads down stairs. Neda, Rachelle and Sabrina talk while they get ready. Sabrina asks Neda if Jon remembers what they talked about last night. Neda says yes. We’ll talk tonight when everyone goes to sleep. Big Brother tells them they have 3 minutes before they will be on a backyard lock down. Jon is laying in the hammock.

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Drunk Jon – ‘What’s our best bet for final 3.. should we throw it to f*** sabs”

Jon and Neda ask the gremlins to leave. (This is the bedroom where the gremlins were first)

The gremlins leave.. Neda and Jon talk about how perfect everything is for them they have Sabrina after Adel.
They agree they can’t stand Heather right now.
Jon Swears he’ll take Neda to Final 2. Jon says Adel has been telling him NEda is pitching Final 3 with NEda and him.
Neda say Adel is lying.
Jon – “He wants to take me to final 2″
Jon – ‘What’s our best bet for final 3.. should we throw it to f*** sabs”.
Neda – “I don’t know.. It’s so risky”

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Jon – “I can’t give you 6 inches I can give you 3 inches twice”

9:27pm Hot Tub
Jon Asks Sabrina knowing what she knows now would she have made up a 1st5 Alliance again. Sabrina says the alliances that are made in the beginning are risky but can pay off. Sabrina says the 1st5 were in the house for the first 25 minutes until the other players came into the game.

They start talking about what they thought of everyone based on their first impressions.

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Sabrina “It’s over for everyone they already know what’s happening their game is already figured out”

6:36pm HOH Adel Talking to his family photos… Adel – “I’m a boy version of my mother” Says he’s been using attributes from both his parents and family to get through the time in the house. Adel says he believes that Rachelle is going home this week and Sabrina next week. Says he’s got it all set especially if Jon wins the HOH. Adel explains that super fans will vote for him but people playing emotionally will not. Adel thinks Arlie will help him in the jury house because as a super fan he’ll understand what Adel

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