11:25am Neda, Heather and Sabrina are talking in the kitchen. Sabrina is telling them that its karma what is happening with Adel with his eye infection and having to stay up 36 hours straight. Sabrina says that she is happy how Adel is being treated. He really affects a person and that is how he really is. She says after the way he treated her he deservers it. She says no one understands how bad he treated her. Sabrina says imagine if it was you and your sister was sitting at home watching. Neda says yeah she would be pissed. Sabrina says I am not one to talk bad about religion. He is so rude! Heather tells Sabrina whoever makes it through this week .. it doesn’t matter who has been mean to them, who has made fun of them, who has teased them, who has done horrible horrible things to them. I’m sorry but sucks to be you .. you got evicted and we’re still here!
Month: April 2014

Big Brother Canada 2 – ADEL Got His Second WIND! WAKE UP CANADA!! Lets do this!
8:40am Adel heads into the diary room and we get a quick diary room leak of him looking completely exhausted. When Adel comes out of the diary room he tries to escape from the cameras to sleep in the kitchen cupboards with a pillow. Some how he crammed himself inside and shut it. Not long after he climbs back out looking just as tired as he was when he went in there. Adel goes into the diary room and then comes back out and says I’ve got my second wind! Wake up Canada! Lets do this! Got my second wind! Big Brother gets Adel to take the batteries for the other house guests. Adel is excited that someone else is awake with me. He heads up to the main bedroom and talks to them. He says that his eye was so bad he was walking around with a towel over his eyes and big brother turned the alarm on..

Sabrina says Adel secretly Loves her, Adel calls her the Old Wicked Witch “Thorn in my a$$”
8:30pm Sabrina, Neda and Heather
Sabrina – “Question.. i’m acting like I’m going home right”
Heather and Neda say yes.
Sabrina says she doesn’t’ understand the “Pit Stains” says she’s not feeling wet. (See image)
Neda points out it’s not like they’ve been doing anything active today.
They start talking about going to the Calgary Stampede. They all plan to go with Rachelle and Andrew.
Neda says she plans to go to Newfoundland in August.
Adel joins them, Heather starts talking about William’s current job where he sells municipal equipment

Sabrina about Sarah “Shes’ the wicked witch of Big Brother” Neda – “We are all wicked witches”
7:22pm Heather says she didn’t like how Arlie treated Women he wasn’t very polite. Mentions when he would burp right beside them, ‘He didn’t care what he did”
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Neda says Arlie’s manners were really bad.
Neda says Sarah hated Andrew but wanted to keep him around because she needed him for her game.
Adel – “Andrew talked the worse way to women I have every heard”

Sabrina says we’re like oil & water! Adel says you wish! Sab says you don’t understand, they don’t mix!
4pm In the HOH room – Jon took down his fort. He then rolled around on the furniture trying to not touch the ground. Meanwhile – Neda, Heather, Adel and Sabrina are in the bedroom talking about past events of the season. They talk about how disgusting Andrew was because he would burp and fart around them all the time. Neda and Heather say they both used to tell him he’s disgusting all the time. Heather and Adel leave the bedroom. Sabrina says she won’t leave us alone. When I ask if you want to come out side.. come! Neda says okay. Sabrina starts talking about jury votes and who she thinks they will vote for. Sabrina wonders if Neda will take Jon to the final two. Neda says that she isn’t decided yet. Neda says I just want to be able to talk for awhile but its so hard.. now that there are less people in the house its so hard! Sabrina says that everyone has a better chance of winning against me.

The PUNISHMENTS have Officially Started! “Jail would be brutal! Maybe I can have a conjug@l visit?!”
1pm – 1:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the feeds return – Jon is on solitary confinement in the HOH room. Jon says to himself – “Jail would be brutal! I don’t know what I would do if I was in jail! Save me! Help! Help! Maybe I can have a conjugal visit?! NOPE! Worth it but it still sucks DAD!” Meanwhile Sabrina and Neda are in the bathroom. Neda comments on how Adel said this was the worst puinshment ever. Sabrina says at least its going to be super easy for you to get ready in the morning. Neda says I am going to be super depressed I’m not going to move all day. Neda says the worst thing is .. I have to stay in the onesie all week. I can’t wash it. Sabrina says oh that is bad. Maybe you could wash it while you’re in the shower. Neda says yeah that’s a good idea. Neda and Sabrina pack up all Neda’s clothes and makeup and take them to the storage room.

Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS! “He smells of sh*t, that’s how much his head is up your a$$!”
10:10am – 12pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Veto Ceremony to take place. When the live feeds return – we learn that Heather used the veto to remover herself from the block. As Head of Household Jon then nominated Adel as the replacement nominee.
In the bedroom – Sabrina campaigns to Neda and Jon. Sabrina says you have a bigger chance of winning against me in the end. Jon asks in comps or in the end? Sabrina says in comps and in the end. Jon says No. Sabrina asks you don’t think you could beat me in the end? Jon says I don’t know. Sabrina says if you send me now, I cannot fix any of the damage that Adel does in the jury. Jon says so you’re saying send him now and you after? Sabrina says they will listen to me over anyone else. I am not going to allow the bullsh*t that he has pulled in here and there! He will go after people that you are closest to. He smells of sh*t, that’s how much his head is up your a$$. I am more trustworthy over him.

Jon tells Neda I would never give my vote to Heather, unless you screwed me over then I would.
8:15am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Jon says so Heather is called in an hour 15 and then we get locked in here? Neda says usually its a bit longer, we get ready, have breakfast and then she gets called in there. Neda heads to the bathroom. Jon and Neda go into the HOH room. Jon asks so what were you and Heather saying last night. Heather joins them and says that she thought she heard her name. Jon and Neda say no. Neda says I can’t believe he (Adel) made up a complete lie. Heather leaves. Jon and Neda talk about who is better to keep Adel or Sabrina. Jon tells Neda about how Adel thinks Neda has the votes hands down. Jon says Adel thinks you’re manipulating me and that you’ll win against anyone. They start talking on the pros of keeping Sabrina over Adel. Neda says I will only give Sabrina credit for manipulating RO and getting her to put up IKa. Jon says I am honestly leaning towards keeping Sabrina. If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t. Neda asks what does that matter. Jon explains that no matter who wins I go. I have to win the veto no matter what. Neda agree. Jon comments on the noises Heather makes when she wakes up. He says if I had a girlfriend that wakes up and makes those noises I would lose it.

“Think about all the scenarios it’s coming down to the money.. We Can’t win Against the girls”
11:45pm Jon and Adel
Jon says solitary confinement is going to suck.
Adel – “How I’m looking bro”
Jon – “Good”
Jon says Neda keeps telling him it would make no sense for them to not get rid of Sabrina.
Jon – “I still haven’t decided I might put Neds up i’m not sure”
Adel – “think about all the scenarios because it’s coming down to the money you gotta think.
Adel says Neda will understand in a month.
Jon says Heather is going to take Sabrian to the final 2.

Jon – “no one will ever watch Live feeds ever again.. look at us”
6:06pm HOH Lockdown
Adel – “I’m bored”
Neda tells them about the Vancouver riots when the canucks never won the cup.
Feeds are cut for 20 minutes when they come back they are playing hide and seek. Jon is “Hiding” behind the HOH lighting fixture Neda is “trying” to find him. (Image above)
Adel – “If I was going home I would Egg people on so much”
Jon says he would “EGG” people actually throw eggs on them.
Neda points out hey only get one carton of eggs a week it would be a waste of eggs.
Adel about the HOH Lockdown “What sense does this make.. “

Neda tells Sabrina – The decision of who goes home will come down to what Jon and I decide.
3pm In the kitchen – Adel tells Heather obviously I am the same as before. I don’t jump ahead and think about the final 4. I am not head of household or anything like that. Heather says plus it will be me you and Neds who wins HOH next week. Adel says I think it will be between you and Neds for sure. If its like anything like that spelling one I am done for sure.. its like my cryptonite. Heather says but your smart at other things. Adel says oh yeah I knew that coming into here. Adel says I know I’m playing for second place. I know for a fact that I can’t win, no way. Adel asks is Sabs still trying any game? Heather says a little but not really. Adel comments on how he (Andrew) thinks he can tell people not to come in a bar .. when he’s just a bartender working for minimum wage ya know!

Adel says Neda can touch the money with her hand she has all the votes in her back pocket!
11:25am Adel says you and me are literally thinking of winning the paper right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says say.. you did put her up as a pawn.. at the end of the day one of us are going to have to take her out. Jon says yeah, just a matter of when to do it. Adel says yeah, and this time its not like we would be the ones doing it to her because Heather will still have your word with her and everything right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says I just don’t want us to lose the odds. Well it wouldn’t even be like losing the odds .. I would go up and go home and you would still have … Jon says if you did go up, I don’t think you would go home. I don’t want to put you up and be like I don’t think he would. Adel says but see how easy it was .. you had a final 3 with Heather and Neda.. look how quick Neda said okay! Jon says yeah real quick eh! Adel says she has Sabrina’s vote 1 billion percent!