7:15pm Backyard Andy and Spencer
Spencer says if McCrae wins HOH they approach him with a boys alliance and tell him to put up GM and Elissa and we’ll vote ELissa out. If Elissa get it’s they approach ELissa tell her McCrae is trying to start a boys alliance. Andy that works, she’s going to be freaked out.
Spencer asks if it’s best they put both McCrae and Elissa up. Andy thinks it is, says that way they cannot save each other. Andy explains if they can get rid of Elissa the following HOH is it’s 4 against 1.
Spencer – ‘It’s about to play the F*** game now.. we’re f** hardcore.. We’re loyal. we’re going to kick a$$ raise hell.. exterminate’
Andy – ‘don’t let this freak you out.. this just shows how confident I am in what we have.. My odds would be better if I flipped with all of them”