7:17pm Have nots Howard and Candice
Candice: “Amanda is smiling from ear to ear.. I know they are all praying my name doesn’t get pulled” (Pulled in the veto)
Candice knows Amanda orchestrating this she wants Howard out.
Candice mentions how GM totally f***ed Aaryn over last week and now that Aaryn is in power she’s ki$$ing her a$$. Howard doesn’t seem phased says it’s a game and this is what it is like.
Howard says he nervous for Candice.. “I’m worried.. good will overcome evil”
Candice: “I hate scary fake people.. “
Howard: “Don’t say hate”
Candice: “I disdain scary fake people “
Candice: “I don’t understand she’s not too scared to flip my mattress and make black and white comments.. but she’s scared to put up the person she wants to”
Candice tells him how bad she wants to win HOH. “I would put Amanda and Helen and Backdoor McCrae… and Amanda and McCrae would be sitting their a$$es up there”