12:50pm Aaryn joins Elissa and Judd on the backyard couch. Judd tells her that she smells like HOH shower. Judd says he is going to get HOH so he doesn’t have to worry about being on the block or being a havenot. Elissa heads inside to read. Judd asks if Aaryn is putting up Candice. Aaryn says yes. Judd tells Aaryn about how Howard came up to them last night talking about how he has to do damage control for all the things Candice has done with threatening people and stuff. Aaryn says that she would be happy with either Howard or Candice leaving, so you guys decide. Judd says that Howard has a better chance at winning HOH so I would rather he leaves. They start talking about whether or not there will be a double eviction.
12:55pm Andy and Helen are talking in the lounge. Helen explains that they need to get out Aaryn because she is a vote for Amanda and McCrae. Andy agrees. Andy says we need to get out Elissa too because of how she is acting.