The NEWEST Big Brother 15 promotional commercial aired last night promising us the longest season ever! This was not new as we already knew that this season was starting earlier than usual with the première set for just a few weeks from now on June 26th. In this commercial however CBS eludes to the fact that Big Brother 15 could be 100 days long, which would be a full 25 days longer than the usual 75 day season. They state that this season is Starting Earlier and Going Longer which means Big Brother 15 could most likely have the finale near the end of September. Calculating out the days if season 15 actually is going to be 100 days long, which I HIGHLY doubt, would have the première as we know on June 26th and the finale on October 4th. As October 4th is a Friday and the finale’s are always on the eviction night being Wednesday this season, the finale will likely be some where between September 18th and October 2nd. The finale of Big Brother has always been right before the fall TV line up starts so I find it hard to believe this season will go even to the end of September.
Month: May 2013

The UNEDITED UNCENSORED Big Brother After Dark Nightly Segment Moves to TVGN
This season for Big Brother 15, the Big Brother After Dark live feed segment that has air on CBS’s sister network Showtime 2 (SHO2) since it was first introduced during BB8, will now air on TVGN (TV Guide Network) which is also owned by CBS Corporation, along with Lionsgate.
The Big Brother After Dark is an unedited / uncensored 2 hour live feed segment that airs on TV to compliment the weekly episode and to entice views to sign-up for the Big Brother 15 live feeds. The 2 hour live feed segment will air nightly starting at midnight on the June 26th première.
Brad Schwartz, president of entertainment and media stated that:
“BIG BROTHER is one of television’s longest-running reality series with a loyal audience, and we are excited to bring BIG BROTHER: AFTER DARK to TVGN where fans can watch all summer long.”

Big Brother Mr. PEC-Tacular Jessie Godderz IMPACT Wrestling Superstar
Mr. PEC-Tacular Jessie Godderz holds a special honor in the Big Brother World by being part of more Big Brother seasons than anyone else. His total is 5, A house guest for Big Brother 10 and 11 with guest appearances during the Pandora box twists on Big Brother 12, 13 and 14 (should have been #powershifted into Big Brother Canada). It’s pretty safe to say he’s going to be on Big Brother 15 he’s the BB franchise crossover star.
It’s also been suggested that Jessie is one of the more successful of the Big Brother Alumni. His big gig is being a Pro wrestler for SPIKE TV’s Impact Wrestling and has recently landed a bonafide acting roll starring in the new drama TAINTED DREAMS. Jessie has been nailing some pretty big deals.

Big Brother Canada REUNION SPECIAL
After almost a week since the Big Brother Canada Finale episode the house guests have been reunited for the ET Canada Reunion Special. The special reunion was hosted by ET Canada’s Roz Weston where he interviewed and spoke with all the house guests. Roz speaks with the season 1 winner Jillian about how she won the grand prize, as well as with Topaz where she explains what happened and how despite the mix-up runner-up Glitter Gary gracefully took it all in stride. In addition, Roz also puts Alec and Emmett in the hot seat when he shows their showmances Topaz and Jillian footage they hadn’t seen before.

BIG BROTHER 15 Commercial “It’s the WILDEST season EVER!”
The FIRST CBS Big Brother 15 promotional commercial was recently released advertising this 2013 season of Big Brother to be the BIGGEST one yet! This new commercial doesn’t reveal any new information but it’s still exciting to see just how close we are to the première on June 26th, 2013.
Host Julie Chen recently talked about Big Brother 15 on her talk show “The Talk” stating that Big Brother casting producers are still looking for more house guests than EVER before! If you think you have what it takes to be cast on Big Brother 15, then you need to get your application in as there are only 5 days left to apply online!

Big Brother Canada: The Morning Show – AFTER the Finale! Is GARY okay with SECOND PLACE?
Love it or hate it, the events that transpired on last nights Big Brother Canada Finale Episode could not have be predicted. There is only one rule to Big Brother and that is to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED and that was surely what happened last night.
With a SHOCKING Big Brother Canada FINALE episode last night, everyone is wondering what the house guests are thinking about conclusion of season one. Last night’s 2 hour finale episode was filled with surprises and jaw dropping moments. First the season front runner Emmett was evicted by the final HOH winner Gary and then by some insane mix up Topaz mistakenly voted for Jillian to win when in fact she wanted to vote for Gary. The shocking reveal of the votes by host Arisa Cox will go down in Big Brother history as one of the most unbelievable mistakes that ultimately cost Gary the Big Brother Canada Grand prize.

Big Brother Canada Finale Night SPOILERS
Final 3 is Gary Levy, Emmett Blois and Jillian MacLaughlin. We have no idea what has happened in the BB House this week as the feeds have been down. (we actually did record all the feeds for the past week in the hopes that there was a leak.. no luck 🙁 )
What’s my take on the first season of Big Brother Canada? I really liked the cast and the feeds were great. We were allowed to post videos of the feeds which was awesome.
The only problem I had with this season was the twists. I don’t like a lot of pointless twists and Big Brother Canada was all about pointless twists. Still in the end of it all A great first season.

Big Brother Canada Episode 28 EVICTION RESULTS! ** VIDEO **
Tonight airs the May 2nd, 2013 – 28th Episode of Big Brother Canada. As it stands before the Big Brother Canada Live Feeds were turned off, Jillian WON the second to last Head of Household power and nominated 21 year old GARY LEVY from Toronto, ON, and 26 year old TALLA REJAEI from Edmonton, AB. During the Power Of Veto Competition Emmett WON, securing his position along with Jillian in the Final 3.
On tonight’s episode we see the Power Of Veto competition that Emmett won and watch the results of the EVICTION, where Emmett casts the sole vote to evict either Gary or Talla.

Big Brother 15 BIGGER Than EVER Before! MORE House Guests NEEDED!
With the finale of Big Brother Canada airing tomorrow on May 2, 2013, we can’t help but feel saddened by the conclusion of the first season. Thankfully with the ending of one season comes the beginning of a new season.
Big Brother 15 premières in just 56 days on Wednesday, June 26, 2013, which is approximately 2 weeks earlier than usual and something that has never been done before in the last 14 seasons. This means this that our summer reality TV obsession is going to be that much longer giving us MORE Drama, MORE Outrageousness , MORE Fights, MORE Showmances, MORE Scheming, MORE Slop, MORE Pandora’s Box’s and MORE Twists than EVER BEFORE!
In the following video Big Brother host Julie Chen mentions Big Brother 15 on her talk show “The Talk” and says that it is going to be EVEN BIGGER with MORE HOUSE GUESTS than EVER BEFORE! She urges fans that although casting locations have concluded you still have time to apply online: HERE