POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: Alec & Topaz Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 12:10am Kitchen Andrew mentions bathing in the nude. Jillian saying that you can’t even […]
Month: April 2013

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery April 8, 2013
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]

Talla FLIPS OUT because the others think she is going to get LOADED AGAIN!
9:20pm – 9:30pm The house guests get their 26’er of Vodka. Andrew portions it out evenly for each house guest. When he finishes Talla is the first to say I am grabbing mine. Andrew asks did you grab the biggest one? They continue to finish making dinner. Talla leaves the kitchen. Andrew says lets start making bets, that is more than what she had the other night. Talla comes back and starts flipping out that they are talking about her drinking too much. Talla starts yelling telling them that she isn’t going to drink all that now. You think I want to embarrass myself again like that? She tells them that they can drink her alcohol, I am not going to drink it. You can eat the dinner too, I am not eating with you! Talla storms off. Andrew is annoyed that she made such a big deal about it.

Big Brother Canada Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
6:45pm – 7pm When the Big Brother Canada live feeds return we learn that during the Power of Veto Ceremony Peter used the Veto to remove himself from the block and as head of household Jillian nominated TOPAZ as her replacement nominee.
The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Alec, Jillian, Talla, Andrew, and Emmett are in the kitchen snacking while they wait for their reward food. Andrew says lets think about what they are giving us, lobster. They wonder if Big Brother is making the food for them or if they have to make it. Talla and Andrew wonder how much alcohol they will receive. Talla says that she is “on watch” and going to redeem herself tonight. She isn’t drink so much and get wasted. Talla is wearing a card on her chest that says “Do you love it?” She says that it was in the room on the food.

Big Brother Canada Emmett tells Andrew that Jillian wants Topaz out this week..
2:40pm Emmett and Jillian are up in the HOH room talking about what the best plan is to get Alec out this week. Emmett says that he agrees with Andrew that Alec is the biggest target to get out this week. Emmett says that Jillian thinks that Topaz needs to go this week. He says that Jillian thinks Topaz is coming after her and that Alec explained to her that he isn’t coming after her. Andrew says that Alec is going to say whatever he needs to say to be safe. Andrew says that Jillian can do whatever she wants to do, it’s her HOH .. but I am still voting Alec out. Andrew comments that Alec has already won 10 Grand. Andrew and Emmett comments on how there are still floaters in the house (Topaz & Talla) that they can’t let win this game. Andrew says I want Alec gone 100%. Andrew comments on how Alec came up to him and told him he liked him. Andrew says that we were all up here and I almost shook hands on a final four and I am glad I didn’t but not that, that matter any ways. Emmett asks Andrew if he talked to Talla because I think she wants Topaz out too.

ALL houseguests to the living room immediately.. please remain seated and await further word from Big Brother
POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 12:30pm Pool Alec and Andrew Very hard to hear what Alec is saying but I believe […]

Big Brother Canada Spoilers Talla Vs The Bird
POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 9:20am Close ups of the new Gary Moose 9:30am HOH Jillian jokes that she will workout […]

Shield Vs Milkmance “What I am saying is this is Big Brother Watch your Back”
POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 11:36pm HOh Emmett and Jillian Emmett: “Aren’t we going to bed” Jillian: “No i’m going to […]

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery April 7, 2013
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]

Big Brother Canada Spoilers Topaz: “Welcome Back Tom” .. “They want to shake up the house”
POV Holder: Peter Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 11th Original Nominations: ALEC & PETER Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest GARY Have Nots No havenots this week 8:35pm Hot tub Andrew, Alec, Peter, Talla Chit Chatting.. Talla talks about her twin sister a […]

Jillian wonders if Alec threw the POV because he has a DIAMOND POWER Of VETO..
5:20pm – 5:50pm Alec continues to workout in the backyard while Topaz lays out on a pool lounger. Alec finishes up his workout and heads into the kitchen to make something to eat. Talla is sleeping on the kitchen couch. Meanwhile Jillian is up in the HOH room listening to her music and doing her make-up. Big Brother switches the live feeds to the hush, hush screen.
6pm Jillian goes to talk to Emmett in the bedroom. She asks if he thinks Alec threw the competition because he has a diamond power of veto? Emmett says no. Jillian tells Emmett that after she talked to Peter in the HOH room she knows he went down and told Topaz everything because 10 minutes after he left I came down and it was obvious Topaz was crying and she hasn’t talked to me since then.

Andrew says I am getting Emmett to whip me with his love stick.. wait that doesn’t sound right!
12:55pm Up in the HOH room are Andrew, Peter, Jillian and Talla. Jillian and Talla go into the HOH bathroom to talk. Jillian tells Talla about how Topaz wants her up on the block. Talla says she is not okay with going up as the pawn. Jillian tells Talla that once Peter and Andrew leave they have have a discussion to talk about all angles and then talk to Topaz. Jillian and Talla are excited about the position they are in. Jillian comments that its the same thing that the guys doing. Jillian and Talla join Andrew and Peter again. Andrew keeps freaking out about not being let outside. He says I just want to jump in the pool naked with just a sock and a smile. Jillian talks about how she isn’t happy with her body. Andrew says that’s why I am getting Emmett to whip me with his love stick.. that doesn’t sound right!