9:35am – 10:30am Joe and Frank are now awake. Frank collects his things in the HOH room and brings them down. Britney is awake and laying on the bathroom couch. Britney and Dan are talking about how close Dan and Frank are now. Joe says that my commitment is with you, and I don’t see why his isn’t. Britney says that he did say that I would vote him out. I have to clear that up with him, I drives me crazy to think that he thinks I said that. It sucks to be up on the block with your friend. Britney says don’t forget if you don’t vote me out, he (Frank) won’t forget it …Whooa.. He can’t play for two HOH’s. Britney says here comes Frank to oversee our conversation. Frank joins them in the bathroom. Frank leaves. Britney says that she will talk to Dan today.
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