1:20am Boogie tells Joe, Ian, Frank and Dan about his experience with the red light district when he was only 20 years old. Boogie says that he paid his money to be with a girl and she left the room for a minute. He says that there was a full length mirror on the wall so he checked out his form. He says that he looked at the mirror closely and realized that it was a 2 way mirror. He says that he could see eight to ten guys watching on the other side. He says that then he felt like he had to perform for them, so he did his best for the guys watching. Boogie says that the place charged him and they charged the guys to watch. They all laugh.
1:30am Wil and Danielle are talking about how Janelle called her fat. Danielle talks about how she models and says that she is able to slim down really fast. She talks about how when she models they always push the sex think because of my big boobs and butt. Wil tells her she has an hourglass shape. Wil then starts talking about how he tried out for American Idol in 2008 and says that he made it through three levels of the competition and was rejected when he crossed his eyes during the audition. He says that he had a break down because he had also recently had music deals fall through. The conversation turns to talking about how hard it is to play a social game in the house but that everything is so hyped up in here.
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