Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Janelle Stirs the pot tells Danielle “JoJo Called you FAT”

9:50pm HOH Danielle and Janelle Janelle tells her that last week JOJO was talking made shit about Danielle. She called Danielle fat and said her legs were huge.. Janelle is trying to cause a fight between JOJO and Danielle. Danielle clearly is mad from this (this is the girl that talks about her weight 24/7) Janelle asks her if she’ll call her out on it. Danielle says he’s not that type of person she’ll start crying. Janelle says she will do it because if she said those things about Danielle she’ll be saying those things about her. Danielle: ‘Oh I bet she is we’re the same size” Danielle: “This really making me self conscious now.. who else is saying that about me” Janelle: “no one just JOJO”

(AHAHAH finally something is going to happen.. Janelle is mean holy cow)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Jenn and Ian agree to Throw the HOH “JoJo made some valid points but she’s going home”

7:54pm Cam 3-4 HOH Boogie, Frank and Ian Watch using FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Boogie tells Ian to dump the HOH to Shane or Danielle. Ian has no trouble throwing the HOH competition this week. Ian says that Shane is pissed and Wil and Janelle.. Ian will vote out JOJO this week. The 3 of them are all feeling very comfortable about their situation. Ian leaves, Boogie says that sometimes he forgets how young Ian really is. Frank thinks Ian has brought up some good points about if Wil and Joe winning the HOH

Boogie doesn’t think that DAn has been throwing the Coaches competitions he doesn’t see the point they all know Dan’s good he won a season.

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Big Brother Prison Rules JOJO: “Joe Swore on his kids… 2 Packs of Smokes for a vote”

4:26 Cam 1-2 HOH JOJO and FrankWatch using Flash Back

Jojo is saying that she messed up listening to Willie and now look at where she is completely screwed. Jojo feels like a food for sticking by Willie. Frank tells her not to be so hard on herself everyone makes mistakes. She would like to start by saying the rumor going around that she went through Frank stuff week one is a lie.. She’s not going to tell him who did it because she doesn’t know for sure but she wants him to know that there is people in this house (Janelle’s team) that are trying to sabotage her.

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Big Brother 14 Brazilian Butt Workout in the Living Room

1pm In the bathroom Janelle and Dan are talking. Danielle says that not once has Dan told her what to do, he gives me advice but.. She says I think he is really scared of Boogie. Janelle says that she is too, he works out like 3 hours a day. Janelle and Danielle continue to do their make-up and nails in the bathroom. Meanwhile out in the backyard the conversation turns to talking about DWI’s and DUI’s. The talk turns to music. Dan brings up a story about a guy that left the band Fall Out Boy a week before they blew up.

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Ashley says she feels like Lance Armstrong coming back with one testicle.

8:45am Jojo is awake and in the backyard smoking. At 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Joe, Shane and Jojo are talking in the backyard. Joe tells Shane that right now it’s you, me, Frank as the targets. Joe says that he would rather be at the end with Shane. If we can come up with a deal, I would honour it. They comment on how Frank is only looking out for himself. Joe tells Jojo that she might want to throw out to Frank that getting out Daneille get out Dan and give the coaches a 33% chance. Mike joins them on the backyard couch. The conversation turns to talking about dogs.

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9:30am – 9:55am Wil and Danielle are sitting at the kitchen table talking about what the tomorrow’s HOH competition will be. Wil thinks it will be the putt-putt competition. They talk about how if its that type of comp, anyone can win it. Meanwhile in the backyard, Shane, Mike and Joe are talking. Shane tells them about his house flipping and personal training.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Wil says Ashley is sweet, but she is out to lunch!

12am Ian comments that another day is over and that they made another $107 dollars. Shane asks if he actually calculated what they make a day for being in the Big Brother house? Ian says yeah, it is about $107 a day. Ian says that he would like to take Michelle Noonan out on a date but only if she didn’t try any funny business. Janelle asks like what, strip down and try to bang you? Janelle says that she thinks that would be a good possibility. Shane and Jojo head to bed in the have-not room. JoJo and Shane are alone in the have-not room talking. They talk about playing the game for themselves vs. playing for your coach. Shane says that he values Britney’s opinion but he isn’t going to blindly follow what she tells him to do. JoJo says that they need to make that clear to Ashley that she needs to play for her best interests and not Janelle’s. Jojo says that her and Ashley are going to talk again tomorrow. They decide to go to sleep.
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Big Brother Spoilers Boogie: “It’s amazing to me the people they stick in this house they have no clue”

8:45pm Cam 3-4 Frank and BoogieFrank is explaining what happened last night with Ashley. Jenn came up to him and told him that AShley was crying in the bathroom saying she misses Kara. Frank could see Wil, Joe and Jenn starting to get pissed so he decided to nip it in the but right away. He pulled AShley into the HOH to talk to her. Frank felt really good about the conversation and it was all figured out.
Frank: “f**king “Janelle and Wil come up and Bull dog her.. they were 2 feet in her face.. The good thing is I came out better than will and Janelle” Boogie agrees wishes that people in this game would just relax a bit. Wil come out, Frank tells him about AShley. Wil is still pissed says Ashley has a key why is she going around crying.. Boogie adds that all she has to do is sit around, vote their way and do nothing until they’re at 6.
Boogie: “It’s amazing to me the people they stick in this house they have no clue”
Wil: “Seriously she should of went on the real world”

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Big Brother Spoilers Janelle’s Marital Advice “Keep his belly full and his PP empty”

7:00pm Cam 1-2 Kitchen Janelle and Dan Doing the dishes and talking about their spouses. Janelle asks Dan if he has a “Man Cave”. Dan asks Janelle what she does to make her husband happy. Janelle: “Keep his belly full and his P P empty”.. Later in the conversation Janelle asks Dan when the twist is coming. Dan says next week nor this week. Janelle asks him what they are going to do to beat Boogie he’s a beast he works out 3 hours a day.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Shane Goes Drag Say Hello to “SHANA”

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3:40pm Cam 1-2 Jenn and Dan Arcade Room
Dan asking Jenn a bunch of questions getting her to talk about her tattoos and her band past.
Dan asks her if anyone has asked her about her band past beside him and Danielle
Jenn says no, her band was a HUGE part of her life. Dan points out that in this house nobody really cares about the people. Jenn agrees says that she’s been here now 3 weeks and 10 times out of 10 when she talks to people the conversation also leads back to them. Jenn talks about her band she was in after she left kittie. she teamed up with the guy from biohazard (Billy Graziadei ) to form the band suicide city.Jenn says she went to a Biohazard gig and there was like 30 people at it. “That band sold millions of records.. they were warner brothers” Dan just keeps asking questions to her and listening..

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Frank says that he wants Jojo out this week and Shane out next week..

1:30pm Frank, Mike, and Shane are up in the HOH room talking about and looking through the photos on the camera. Frank gets called to the diary room to bring the camera back. Mike heads down stairs. Janelle asks Ashley what is up, why was she upset yesterday? Ashley says that in the bathroom people started talking about Kara and I got upset. Janelle asks so how did the Ian and Frank thing come up? Ashley says that Shane dropped the comment about how Kara brought up the final 3 deal in her speech. Ashley explains it and Janelle tells her that she can’t say things like that to people that aren’t on your team because they will use it against you. Janelle says just come talk to me if you need to talk. Ashley says that she thinks Frank likes her now and that he talks to her more now. Janelle say yeah, because he thinks you’re coming after him. Ashley says that Frank told her that he said Wil was her biggest threat. Janelle says shut up he said that!? Ashley says that Frank said that he likes Shane’s loyalty too. Janelle says that they need to get Danielle out. Janelle says getting rid of Jojo, what is that going to do? Janelle says that they should ask Frank how much he trusts Shane just so that he gets paranoid about it.

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