ABC going to be releasing their spin off of the popular CBS Big Brother reality TV series this summer. The TV network has hired a former CBS Big Brother Producer to aid in producing the new reality series called “The Glass House” which is set to air its premiere episode on June 18th at 10 PM EST, and conclude with a finale on August 20th. The production is set to start near the end of May and will feature 14 individuals that will live and compete against each other for the grand prize of $250,000. The twist of the new reality series will be that the viewing public will have an integral role in the outcome of the show by voting online and through the networks social media (Twitter & Facebook). The viewing public will be able to follow the contestants and vote on who is sent home, in addition to deciding which contestants will return to “The Glass House”.
Month: April 2012

Big Brother News, Spoilers and Links from the Internets (2012-04-27)
Big Brother News stories from the month that have slipped through the OBB cracks. Casting is still cruising along just another couple weeks to go. No Call back spoilers have leaked, CBS puts strict rules down prohibiting people from talking about callbacks on social media, blogs etc etc. If you want to get disqualified then tweet you got a casting callback. Official start date has been released for this coming season, July 12th is just around the corner.
Robyn Kass tweeted when asked about the semi finalist.
“Nope, we have NOT finished our semi finalist rounds yet!! #BB14”
There is still a load of casting calls and you can still submit your Big Brother 14 application online.

Big Brother 14 Premiere Date Set July 12th
It’s official the Big Brother 14 premiere date and time has been set. July 12th, 9:00 to 10:00pm, Expect the live feeds to be turned on shortly after the first live show airs. CBS did not give us any information about the format of this season nor did we find out about any twists. Keep in mind that casting is still underway for this season. As we found out last year, CBS production may change the show at moments notice so any unconfirmed rumors must be taken with a grain of salt.
Big Brother 14 Schedule
Wednesdays, (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT, beginning July 18)
Thursday (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT, beginning July 19)
*beginning July 12th
Sundays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT, beginning July 15)

Big Brother Reality Rally 2012 Photos
Reality Rally is a charity event held 2012 April 13 to 15th. It is modeled after The Amazing Race where teams are driven by Reality Rally Transport. The teams travel throughout the city in a competition involving crazy activities. The event is held in Temecula Valley California “Wine Country”. It’s all for the fun and for raising funds for the charity. This years charity was Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center. The Event had plenty of reality stars attending including a whole whack of Big Brother players.
This is just a random Collection I found, Attendees were Rachel and Brendon, Michelle (BB10), Michelle (BB11), Evel Dick, Adam, Lawon. Kevin (BB11) was there but wasn’t participating in the charity event. Last years event gathered a larger roster of Big Brother Alumni, Matt, Ragan, Annie, Hayden, Brendon, Rachel, Michelle, Michelle

Big Brother 14 Legal Contract
Attached below is the Legal contract you must sign if you are one of the lucky Big Brother 14 Cast members. It’s a long document 36 pages in all, if you take the time to read it in full you will realize that CBS Production has pretty much complete control. It’s their show so this is understandable.
Here are some tidbits I took out of the contract
Production can change the rules at any time
I’m surprised this isn’t abused more by CBS
I understand that my failure or refusal to comply with the Series Rules (as they may be changed, modified or amended by Producer in its sole discretion from time to time with or without prior notice to me) in any respect or to any degree may result in (subject to Producer’s sole discretion) my immediate elimination from the Series and the forfeiture of any and all prizes, stipends or other monies even if already rewarded, granted, earned or received by me.

Big Brother 12 Fan Favorite Britney Haynes Wedding Photos
Last month Britney Haynes Big Brother 12 America’s favorite married her high school sweetheart Nathan Godwin. The wedding tool place on March 18th at 3:00pm at the Pratt Place Barn. Photos were provided by Miles Witt Boyer. No this was not the guy she was dating when she was on the show, Nick and her broke up shortly after Big Brother 12 ended.
Recently Miles has posted a whole collection of the wedding photos on his facebook page, Here is a sneak peak at them. What do you all think, Ring, Dress, Groom?

Big Brother 2012 Casting Looking for “ALL TYPES of GOD’s creations”
Casting calls for Big Brother 2012 have been going for the last 2 weeks. Already we’ve had Los Angeles, San Francisco, Charleston, New Orleans, Boston, Uncasville, and Cincinnati. Robyn Kass (@Kassting) tweeted That the turn out so far has been great. Some pictures from the auditions shows a line up in LA with a guy in crutches waiting..
The next batch start again April 14 2012, With Scottsdale, Denver, Louisville. Followed by Tulsa , Odessa , Columbus , Topeka, Boise, Atlanta, and Pittsburgh. There has not been a date set for the Miami Casting Calls. If you are serious about getting on the show give Dan Gheesling’s Book a look it’ll definitely give you the edge. Dan has also released a series of great blog posts giving out Casting tips including videos showing the casting process.

Reality Rally 2012 LIVE Streaming Coverage Brought to you by SuperPass!
In just over 3 months Big Brother 2012 will premiere and if you are anything like me, you CANNOT wait for that day to come! To help pass the time we wanted to fill you in on a reality event called Reality Rally that is full of your favorite Big Brother and other reality stars, it’s an event that is coming up that will not only be fun to watch live, watch on SuperPass and even participate in and it supports a great cause at the same time.
Have you ever wanted to be a part of The Amazing Race or a game like it? Well considering you missed your chance to be on The Amazing Race Season 20, there is another opportunity to be a part of a similar game called Reality Rally 2012, in temecula Valley. The event is taking place from April 13th – 15th, with the race starting on April 14th from 12-4pm.
Reality Rally was created and modeled after the CBS reality TV show The Amazing Race. It is a 4 hour competition where Reality Stars are teamed up with ordinary people like you and I, and compete through 12 gruelling challenges to win the prize & the bragging rights! MOST importantly the event is for a great cause to raise funds for Michelle’s Place Breast Cancer Resource Center in Temecula (

Rachel Reilly Adventures4Pets Where to Get a Brazilian for your Dog
Big Brother 12, Big Brother 13 Winner and Amazing Race contestant (Still in the race) Rachel Reilly has a new project on the go called “Adventures4Pets”. We first learnt about this web show last month during Rachel’s appearance on BearPaw TV.
Two Sisters Rachel Reilly, Elissa and their pets hit the road to find the most pet friendly destinations in America. site is not live yet, the splash screen says April sometime.. Rachel is starting to publish the videos on youtube. In this episode Rachel and Sis head to San Diego for a “Pet-Cation” which she calls one of the most pet friendly cities in the US.

BB8 Kail Harbick’s Holiday Farm Resort Burns Down
Earlier Monday (3:00AM) Big Brother 8 Kail Harbick’s Holiday Farm Resort burnt down. The farm was host to many Big Brother Alumni, the Rainbow Reality Reunion. Guest cabins were not affected but the kitchen, bar, and restaurant burnt to the ground. The local small community of Blue River, Oregon is devastated by the loss of one of the towns sources of revenue. Holiday Farm Resort Manager Brenda Anderson says “To lose something of this value is devastating to the community. Everyone has either worked here, stayed here, played here or frequented it”.