12:25pm Pool Jordan and Rachel Jordan and Rachel are both worried if Dani wins the HOH. Jordan thinks they would Put up JJ, Rachel doesn’t she explains that they will put up 2 pawns and try to back door one of the guys. Jordan mentions how Jeff can’t even be in the same room as Dani. Rachel explains to Jordan that this week they wanted to get Jeff backdoored and last week they wanted JJ to backdoor Brendon. (Rachel frames everything in BRJJ Vs. the house). Both are SHOCKED that Dani is flipping and it’s only week 3. Rachel says it would of been smarter to have waited a week or until she got the HOH. Rachel is worried that Dani is trying to get Por on her side, “If dani wins HOH she’ll probably backdoor one of the guys”. Jordan agrees, She thinks that Danis plan was to backdoor jeff then convince Jordan to go with them against BR. Jordan wonders why they would try this so early… (as much as we loathe rachel her game knowledge is way ahead of Jordans and it’s hilarious to watch) Rachel is feeling confident about the HOH because it’ll be Rachel, Brendon, Jeff, Jrodan and Shelly Vs the rest of them. Rachel doesn’t really seeing anyone but dani and Maybe Adam winning a comp.
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