The whole Brendon spanking it to a Guy pretending to be a girl on Skype thing all happened Dec 2010. It all started when Brendon started skyping with a mid 20’s College student named Nick. He pretended to be a whiskey swigging girl named Molly shepard resulting in Brendon sending her/him pictures of himself on […]
Month: February 2011

Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and the undertaker at STEAMBOAT Part 2
Some More Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and Gunter Elenburg at STEAMBOAT. Check out the last series of pictures at Steamboat Steamboat 2 Steamboat 4

Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and the undertaker at STEAMBOAT
Throughout Big Brother 12 Lane and Hayden would talk about Steamboat resort in Colorado. Hayden was under the impression that if he kept talkign about Steamboat that they would give him freebies during the winter. Hayden and Lane planned to go and party with Enzo and Britney at the resort after the show ended. Heres […]

BIG BROTHER 13 Casting to Start in March
Kassting inc will begin casting for Big Brother 13 in the beginning of march with Open casting calls starting a coupe weeks thereafter. If you don’t already have your BIG BROTHER 13 APPLICATION
“BB casting starts up begining of March. It will be a few weeks after that before we know when/where open calls will be held. Stay tuned!”

Spoilage – Rachel Reilly’s Engagement Ring
Looks like the rumors are true Rachel Reilly of Big Brother 12 is engaged to the Brendon Villegas aka the Neanderthal thats “nai-ander-TALL”

BIG BROTHER SPOILERS – Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas engaged WTF!
A pre BIG BROTHER 13 shocker, bb12 Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas have apparently become engaged. Rumors are spreading because of a Post on their Facebook page.
“Congrats on your engagment and your moving to LA on March 1st. The Brenchel fans love and hope you all the best and glad to have you have in LA full time!”

Big Brother Alumni Twitter Accounts
While we wait for the Rumors and the open Big Brother 13 Casting Calls lets check out what past houseguests are up to. Compiled is a list of the last 5 Seasons houseguest twitter accounts, Some are blocked, some should be blocked and a few are active. For all you BIG BROTHER fans out there this is a fun way to see if these people are anything like what they were in the Big Brother House. While were on the topic of twitter accounts make sure you sign up to our Big Brother Spoilers Twitter Account and our BB13 twitpic account.

Big Brother 13 – 5 deposed dictators and Omarosa find out what constant surveillance feels like on the receiving end
Mondays (January 31st) Daily Show had a joke about BIG BROTHER 13 and the recent overthrowing of African Dictators in Tunisia and Egypt. Damn Omarosa is mean…
Jon Stewart
“Its a chance to live in exile and compete in next seasons Big Brother…Big Brother Edition. hi jinx ensues when 5 deposed dictators and Omarosa find out what constant survalence feels like on the receiving end. You can even share a room with your neighbor Moammar kadafi….. opps kadafi hasn’t been overthrown…… yet”

Big Brother 13 Application Rules
The Producers are looking for a dynamic group of individuals who are articulate, interesting and exhibit enthusiasm for the project as well as a willingness to share their most private thoughts in an open forum of strangers. This group of individuals, while meeting the technical requirements of the program, must also have sufficient physical, psychological, and mental capacity to endure approximately 100 days in a monitored house under extraordinary conditions. Big Brother like all seasons is going to be tough so only serious applicate s should apply.