1:35pm Feeds are back.. 2 Players are lifelong friends or have a past Big Brother alliance. This causes the house to go into over drive everyone is crawling around trying to figure it out. Allegations are running amoke. Ragan believes that the 2 players from Arkansas are the life long friends. he’s very adamant about […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie has the first boob slip of Big Brother 12…
Andrew is telling Kathy on the backyard couches that everyone thinks he’s the saboteur. Kathy says he shouldn’t take it personally. Matt gets called into the diary room. Lane jokingly asks him why he’s always called in first. Try the live feeds 3 Day FREE Trial 11:50am Matt and Hayden on […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane works out with the girls while Kathy watches and smokes & Andrew waits for his next pap-smear chance..
10:30am Lane, Britney, Monet and Rachel workout in the backyard. Lane teaches Britney some new exercises with the weights. SEE what they can’t show you on tv 3 Day FREE Trial Kathy smokes while she watches the girls and Lane workout. And Andrew waits patiently for his next opportunity to give […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew tells Brendon to leave so Rachel can get dressed. Rachel says shes trying to takeoff her clothes so he’ll stay..
July 10th, 2010 See what they cant show you on TV! Live Feed 3 Day FREE Trial 8:30am – 850am Ragan and Brendan are on the couches in the backyard. Brendan was telling a story about a friend who burned him. Brendon says he can’t be fake and tolerate it. Then they both go […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan & Brendon feel bad for Andrew and how the Pap-Smear joke is getting old..
Try the Live Feed 3 Day FREE Trial 7:15am All the houseguests are still sleeping except for Brendon who is now up in the bathroom having a shower and getting ready for the day. 7:40am Big Brother cuts the feeds, and when they come back on, Ragan is up and outside talking […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie has a mental breakdown about her family .. and because she’s PMS’ing
Watch the 24/7 live feeds3 Day FREE Trial 1am Annie is crying in the bathroom and Monet is comforting her. She is having a mental breakdown. Monet tells her that its okay, that she has already cried twice in the house. Annie says it has to do with a lot of family stuff […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – They Get Booze and Annie Starts to Figure out she’s in trouble
This Live Feed Update outlines Annie finally figuring out that she is going home this week. Hayden is starting to get worried that Brendon is going to target him the following week. Hayden believes that BRendon has a good shot of winning the Head of Household because of his physical and mental abilities. Ragan continues […]
Spoilers – Waiting Around For Alcohol and We find out Exactly What Andrew Did To Annie
10:10pm Hot Tub Hayden, Brit, Monet, Kristen and Rachel chatting about winter sports and blizards. Looking for another kick ass BB blog go here
Big Brother – Rachel Talks About the First Kiss Brit: “did you christen the cabana room?”
8:30pm outside Lane, Annie, Kristen, Ragan talking about sex. Annie doing most of the talking she tells them everyone usually thinks her boyfriends are ugly but she find them attractive…. conversation revolves around attractive body parts, the state of the country, relationships, boob jobs etc … pretty much anything except for game. Annie […]
Fear in the Big Brother House – Britney: “I’m Scared of being nice to Andrew.. Next thing you know his head is near your Vagina”
7:20pm HOH Hayden and Andrew. Hayden makes it clear to Andrew that he doesn’t think he’s the saboteur. Andrew nodes tells him he’s not the sabetour he’s here to play the game and win some money, He swears on his daughters life he’s not the sabetour. Hayden tells him that there is a […]
Big Brother 12 – Enzo’s Starting to Lose it “I’m here for f**kin ratings Baby, Thats Why I was Casted”
6:15pm HOH Enzo, Hayden and Matt. Enzo does most of the talking here and is getting pretty excited. Enzo and Matt are trying to convince Hayden to backdoor Annie. Enzo says it’s time the Brigade to make a power move and tell the other players they are here to play the game and win. He […]

Big Brother 12 “Hot Science Love Affair”
4:55pm Kitchen Brendon and Matt. Brendon was certain he was going home this week, he says it was obvious because of the way everyone acted. They go back and forth about how everyone treats Brendon Differently because now he’s safe. Brendon says he has a degree in Physics and Rachel has a degree in Chemistry… […]