Andrew is asking Annie a lot of questions about her family owned a pizza shop her whole life from 1969 – ..and the feeds keep getting cut out because her family didn’t sign the consent forms. Annie says she literally ate pizza every day of her life. Andrew asks what was it called and Annie […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie says that Rachel’s laugh makes her want to stab a fork in her eye!
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 7am Andrew is up to do his usual morning religious routine. He then goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast and heads back to bed. 8am Brendon is up takes a shower and gets dressed. Brendon goes out into the backyard […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers:Enzo says he wants to clothes line Matt for wearing those pajammas …why would you wear those?!
11:50pm Big Brother tells Hayden & Kristen to Stop That!! Rachel and Brendon go to find out why they were told to stop doing something. It turned out that Kristen was sticking her finger in the fish tank and then tasting the water to see if it was salt or fresh. And she says […]
Big Spoilage – Kristen and Hayden Long Time Friends? They’ve “been good” at hiding it so Far
10:50pm JULY 12TH Have Nots Kathy and Ragan, He’s going over the same thing, since the feeds started that he’s confused about everything thats going on, He’s feeling disconnected. The stress is bothering and its the constant yo-yoing that makes it so much harder. He says he’s not doing well and he’s in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Houseguests Waiting for Their “LIBATION” And Are Brendon and Rachel The Saboteurs?
9:50pm JULY 12TH Backyard Annie and Kathy Annie is smoking and telling Kathy the same thing she’s telling to everyone else. basically nobody believes her what Rachel did, everyone thinks she overreacting, she can’t wait to see the video tapes then everyone will know she’s telling the truth. Annie goes over everything just […]
Big Brother 12 – Annie Has Played Her Last Card and Now Everyone Thinks She’s F*ck*d
9:00pm JULY 12th HOH Annie and Hayden Annie Explains to Hayden what Rachel did to here. She goes over it about 9 times. She is saying that nobody beleives her right now but when they get out of here they all need to go see the tapes and then thy’ll know she is […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kathy Famous Last Words “I Didn’t Read All the Paper Work We Signed”
Big Brother 12 Spoilers 8:20pm Annie and Brendon Annie tells Brendon about the rude thing that Rachel does and says will reflect badly on him. She tells Brendon that he better smarten up and stop being so close to Rachel because she’ll drag him down. She wants to beat the shit out of Rachel. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie LOSES IT ….she says she is ready to kill that BITCH!
6:30pm Out in the backyard Lane, Matt, Britney, Monet, Annie and Enzo are sitting on the couches talking about relationships. The girls asks Lane what he looks for in a girlfriend. Lane says that personality is the biggest thing, she has to be serious, funny, and has to be able to take a joke. […]

Annie “You get a tattoo of me yet?” Lane “Ya Annie was here”
3:30pm Hot Tub Lane And Annie. Conversation is pretty funny bitchybigbrother tweeted this Annie: “You look just like my uncle.” Lane: “Did u have sex w/ ur uncle?” Annie: “No” Lane: “I’m gonna fight ur uncle when I get outta here” Tweeted by They continue to flirt.. Lane is getting grossed out by Annie […]
Big Brother Spoilage – Lane Had a Vibrating Tongue, Enzo “Whats a Dude like That doin on his Downtime”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV!! 3 Day FREE Trial 2:46pm JULY 12th Living Room Brendon, Lane, Enzo and Andrew. They’re talking tattoos, Lane says at first he was just going to get one but after you have one you’ll get a second “There kinda addicting” Andrew has heard that it can hurt. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: When Hayden & Ragan say that Big Brother will influence them in keeping the saboteur.. the feeds cut out..
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 1pm – 1:15pm Hayden in up in the HOH room with Ragan talking. Ragan says that he has been holding off talking to Hayden because he didn’t want it to seem fake. Hayden tells Ragan that it is really hard to […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says he wants a secluded place to ..
11:30am In the kitchen Britney is talking about her fiance and how he comes into a room naked pretending to look for something and make a small talk just to announce his nudity. She says that he does it to try and suggest they do it. Then she says that if shes in the shower […]