Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie tries to mess up Lane’s workout by saying yes, get it, work it, yes, yes, hot dog 9:40am Kathy is laying on the Bathroom couch while Britney and Monet put their makeup on and do their hair. Britney says that Brendon could be any number of things. (His actual profession) Britney tells Monet and Kathy that Brendon is smarter than they thought. Britney says that it is obvious Brendon is […]

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Big Brother 12 – Enzo’s Chicken Parm.. it’s serious “Like Taking a video game away from a Chinese kid thats how Serious it is”

  6:30pm July 13th Kitchen Enzo’s Chicken Parm is finished and everyone gets ready to eat. It looks pretty good every is loving it. Rachel: “this is yum yum” Hayden: “good work enzo thanks” Britteny: “This is incredible thanks enzo” Ragan: “The best i’ve ever had enzo” Kathy: “This is good” (lol, Kathy think you […]

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