Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 2:00pm Cabana Room matt, Monet and Brit Feeds start up and we hear Brit: “Everytime Rachel wears a bikini I am afraid Gonorrhea has gone airborne and we all need to run for cover” (Comedy gold) So the bashing continues.. They wonder why […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 – Classic Mean Girl Bashing At it’s Best, about Rachel “keeps showing off her vagina.. she’s too nasty to wear underwear”
1:20pm Backyard couch Rachel and Brendon There talking about how commited they are to each other and how they will be side by side until the end. They start planning the next couple HOH’s they think that if kathy can win HOH next week they’ll be in good shape. Rachel says who will […]
Big Brother 12 – Monet about Rachel “Sleezy hoe, every time she wears a skirt I feel like STD’s are flying around .. I wouldn’t use her as a mop”
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 12:38 Backyard Brit and Enzo Talking about how stupid Rachel is. Brit mentions Rachel’s choice in clothes and how BLANK she looks, She is amazed she wears that on TV.. “She actually thinks she looks good”..”I can’t wait to win HOH and put […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – POV Ceremony Results Brit is down Matt is UP, Enzo: “Game F*cking ON” ** Update **
12:25pm Have nots room, Enzo, Monet, Lane and Brit. Monet is pissed matt has been put up and she knows theres no chance for her to stay. Lane says that they told him Andrew may be going up. Monet says they keep bringing up that I won the 10 grand thats a bullshit […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Backyard Lockdown .. POV Ceremony Underway
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 11:19am Hammock Ragan and Rachel Discusing the HOH this week. Ragan doesn’t think it’lll be a hanging one because of past seasons. They Are positive it’ll be endurance though. Ragan starts going through all the endurance possibilities. .. Backyard Couch Monet and Matt– Brendon […]
Big Brother 12 – Rachel’s Have Notty Dance Performed By Brit
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 10:26am Palm Room Lane and Brit. Brit is talking about the “Have notty Show” and does a little tease “impersonating” Rachel being overly “sexy” during her have notty show. Brit “I usually don’t spend too much time on my have notty show” . […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel & Brendon cuddling. Britney says it was scary looking and really long..
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 9am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests for the day. Everyone is up and getting ready for the day. Britney, Lane and Monet are on the backyard couches talking. Britney says that she dressed right and didn’t get cold last night in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane wonders if Brendon & Rachel will break the April and Ollie sex record in the house.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12am Up in the HOH room talking are Rachel, Brendon, Ragan, Kathy, Kristen, and Hayden. Rachel tells them that she is afraid that Monet and Britney will be trying to swing votes between now and Thursday. Brendon says that he thinks […]
Big Brother 12 The Nerd Herd is Back and Andrew is Still Going up
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 10:41pm Backyard Brit, Andrew, Monet, Matt, Enzo The Girls are in the hot tub the boys are on the couch. Andrew’s with them and theres something clearly on his mind. Matt:”Theres mad schemeing going on up there.. i want to go bust […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan’s “Guy with small pen!s Poetry Jam”
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 9:00pm Cabana Room Ragan, Matt, Monet and Brit Ragan is telling him about his very good friend Gabriola (something like that) HE explains how they met at a poetry reading. She was running one and saw me in the crowd and got […]
Big Brother 12 – Brit’s fiancée is a Pro Golfer, Matt: “I’m going Jerry McGuire on his a$$ SHOW ME THE MONEY BABY”
Watch it happens as it happens!! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 7:48pm Backyard Couch Enzo, Monet, and Kathy Very little talking going on. Monet starts talking about HOH. they ask Enzo what he asked for if he wins HOH. He says a newspaper “make up a big brother daily newpaper for me to […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden/Kristen over?
6:15pm Back yard couch Hayden and Lane Hayden doesn’t know what is going to happen he thinks they might put up Andrew but seeing as the ceremony is tomorrow she’ll probably put one of them up instead. Lane adds that if he wins HOH next week he’s going to put Ragan up. Matt and […]