3:58pm hayden and Andrew backyard couch Hayden says he was cracking up after Andrews speech. He can’t believe he said he was going after B/R then asked them to use the POV on him. Andrew wants Hayden to talk to Kristen about her vote he’s seen her talking to kathy a lot lately and he’s […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan “I’m Definitely Voting out Andrew this Week”
2:50pm Backyard Brit, Enzo and HAyden Going over Kathy’s POV speech how she told Brendon not to use the POV because if he did Rachel would go up. Enzo: “Look she’s a nice lady and all but cmon that was stupid yo” They still think theres some big cons to getting rid of Andrew […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Even After Andrews POV Speech F*up , Brendon wants to Keep Andrew
1:40pm Ragan and Matt. Ragan’s telling him he’s a bit worried about the stupid speech that Andrew gave. Matt Agree’s we wonders why Andrew did such a thing. Ragan explains that Andrew was not expecting Rachel to “act” like that and he wanted to throw you under the bus for next week. Ragan is […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Andrew Kisses Rachel “YOU OVER PLAYED IT!!!”
1:17pm taj Room Andrew walks in and kisses Rachel on the cheek ANDREW says “You Overplayed it, YOU OVER PLAYED IT!!!” he leaves and Rachel cries.. Brendon tells her not to worry. Rachel goes on and on about how everyone in the game is so manipulative she’s not able to be that way… groan.. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Andrew speech says it all, Lane: “They planned this out since day one they are all together”
12:32pm HOH Brit and Matt going over the POV ceremony and Andrew’s Speech. Andrew said in the speech that he’s going after B/R. Both Matt and Brit believe he was sincere. Brit brings up next weeks HOH might have it pretty easy because everything is starting to unravel. Matt keeps saying that Andrew […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan Weather Report: “Its hot and muggy I guess this is what it’s like to be inside a vag!na”
11:20am Backyard Couch Ragan and Matt The entire house is locked down outside. Matt with one hand down his pants and another stroking his balls.. (this is fucking weird YO, has anyone seen a grown man do this so often?) Ragan is whispering to Matt that the best thing for the 2 of them […]
BB12 HOH Meeting, Lane “We’re going to get shot with guns which ones are we going to get shot by”
10:35pm Ragan, Matt, Hayden and Matt The brigade waiting for Ragan to leave.. .. production calls Ragan into the DR.. Thank you DR. Matt rehashes the conversation he had yesterday with Ragan, he was asking Matt what he should do if he won HOH next week. Matt tells hayden that he doesn’t think they […]
Spoilage – Hayden on Rachel “She’s the type of Girl you see at a bar and Stay away from because you don’t know what she has”
9:40 hammock Kristen and Ragan She’s telling him that She couldn’t sleep last night becuase she likes both andrew and Kahty and she doesn’t feel like neither one of them deserves to go. Kristen thinks that most the house will not know where they are voting until the day of. Either way though Kristen […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel thinks Britney is on their side, and that she’s forgotten about Monet…
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 8am Brendon and Rachel are the only houseguests awake. They are out on the backyard couch talking about the game and their strategy. Rachel says its that its so important they win HOH this week. Brendon says I Know. Brendon asks […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says if we get rid of Kathy, what kind of Brigade is this, yo?!
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12:10am Out in the backyard, Kathy and Kristen are talking in the hammock. Kathy complains about how Matt’s plan to back-door Brendon didn’t work out. Kathy says that she thinks the POV bag made have been stuffed with Brendon and Rachel’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – “Britney baths with mr bubbles…old britney baths in her houseguests Blood”
11:50pm HOH Lane and Matt Matt is giving Lane the rundown of where Ragan stands now. He says that ragan isn’t going to put up hayden, bur isn’t sure about Lane or Enzo. He thinks that B/R will put up Hayden and Kristen because they’ve been talking about putting up a players that dropped […]

BB12 – Ragan: “Britney Reads the Bible with a Magnify Glass, old Britney burns the eyes out of Kittens with a Magnifying Glass”
8:55pm Around the pool table Enzo, Brit watching Andrew and Lane play pool Enzo complains about how hungry he is, he jokes that he might be dieing and if he does his family will sue. Brit asks enzo if he wants to have a expensive funeral, enzo says no only spend one grand on […]