7:30pm Rachel and Hayden Rachel asks him who he’s going to vote for. Hayden says he was dead set to keep andrew a couple days ago and now he’s going to vote him out but things change day to day and theres still a day to go. rachel doesn’t like Kathy thinks shes a floater, […]
Year: 2010
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan about Rachel “She going to come in here say I NEED A DRINK and down that Nail polish remover”
5:30pm Backyard Matt practicing with the golf clubs, Lane watching from the hammock A bunch of houseguests on the couch laying around. Theres little birds outside you can hear them on the feeds.. Lane tells MAtt that Brit has told DR about the little birds and they’re getting rid of them. Matt doesn’t think they […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt to the Brigade “I’m going to look like on Arrogant prick if we don’t make final 4”
3:30pm Backyard POOL Matt, Lane and HAyden Lane is wondering if MAtt thinks that the brigade has a good chance of being in the jury house. Matt says he’s almost 100% certain they will all make it. Matt thinks the only way they are screwed is if B/R get HOH they put up Brit […]
BB12 Spoilers – Lane tells a Story About a Spray that Numbs your Mouth and Rachel thinks Enzo will flip and Vote out Kathy
1:55pm Backyard Pool Hayden, Lane and Brit Brit is sharing a story about when she was younger ans she knew these guys that would always brag about how much money and how tough they were. She went to a party at these guys house and decided to get the hell out of there but the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew is loosing it … HOH photo day Andrew holds his fingers up to his head like a gun..
12:45pm In the backyard Enzo and Kathy are talking on the couch. Kathy tells Enzo all about the confrontation with Andrew earlier this morning. Enzo says it’s fucking crazy. Kathy says it was just too early in the morning for that. Enzo says yeah, he came out here talking with me a little bit […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Andrew plans on calling a house meeting… and plans on going out with a BANG on Thursday!
Up in the HOH, Britney, Lane, Hayden and Matt are talking about random stuff. Britney explains that the HOH bath tub is amazing …that it is like the hot tub but without the pee smell. Meanwhile, Andrew is in the kitchen all by himself contemplating his next move… 11:30am – 12pm In […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kristen goes OFF on Andrew!! She tells him he is digging his own grave. Andrew goes and cries…
10:04am Ragan and Matt are talking in the hammock. Matt is telling him that Andrew is acting like a bully he recounts something that happens 20 minutes ago when Matt was preparing some slop and saw Andrew stormed into the bathroom and told Kristen she needs to stop playing him. Matt says Andrew is […]
Spoilage – Morning Wakeup Housguests – Brigade has a plan “Lets Drop Kick Brendon During the HOH”
9:00am Backyard Lane workign out, Kathy smoking on the couch, Matt doing laundry on the pool table and I think I see Brendon sleeping in the Hammock. Matt is talking to Lane and Kathy wondering if some of the sounds they are hearing coming from outside the BB lot are for other shows that are […]
**updated ** Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan tells America if he intends to throw the HOH competition on Thursday, he will wear a long-sleeved navy shirt…
11:50pm Up in the HOH room, Britney, Brendon, and Rachel are talking about Kristen. They all talk about how they want her out, and think that she will use the guys to float to the end. Rachel says that Kristen controls Hayden and says Kristen will go after the girls. Matt joins them and […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – **updated**Kristen talks about her DR sessions and Wonders If the Show is all about B/R
10:15pm Backyard Matt, Lane and Hayden Matt is telling them about his conversation with Andrew earlier today. Matt explains it as “Crazy TaLK.. bad shit CRAZY TALK” Matt explains that Andrew told him that if Matt keeps him in the house that he’ll tell him about an alliance that spans 3 people. Matt adds that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel and Brit BUBBLE BATH FROM HELL
9:20pm Bubble Bath Brit and Rachel Each has a glass of wine, Rachel’s holds about 6 litres. There getting along chatting and laughing at what happened in the house today. Rachel tells brit about the conversation she had with brendon in the hammock and how he says he doesn’t care about money then says he […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon and Rachel Staged Fight and Andrew has a secret that will change the Game
7:30pm HOH Andrew and Matt Andrew is questioning if there is other pairs in the house as tight as B/R. Matt says he thinks theirs pairs but B/R are the close ones. Andrew continues on saying that he needs 4 or 5 votes and he thinks he has them just needs to work them […]