7:20pm Jumanji Room Matt and Lane Lane saying that They are going to put up Hayden and Kristen. They are sure that kristen is gone this week unless she wins POV. Matt says if the pov is used him and Lane are in trouble. Lane thinks they might put Kathy up. Matt thinks that […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – If Hayden and Kristen stand between Rachel and her man They’re going up
6:30pm Taj Hayden and Rachel Rachel tells him that it was obvious that him and Kristen were coming after her. She doesn’t understand why they are 2 weeks ago they are all friends and now it looks like they are going to war. She tells him they are the strongest 2 couples in the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel wins HOH, and the Kissing Begins
6:15pm Cabana Room Kathy and Kristen Both are pissed that Rachel won and about Andrew’s speech. Kathy says she wasn’t raised this way to Lie and LIe and LIe lie.. Kristen mad at herself for coming so close and then losing to Rachel. kahty says they will talk later she goes into the kitchen […]
Big Brother 12 – Andrew Vs Kathy – Eviction Results, New Twist and HOH
Want to catch up with whats happened the last 24 hours? Read Todays Big Brother Updates and Yesterdays Big Brother Updates HOH goes to Rachel Andrews speech tells everyone that Kristen and HAyden are lovers. Completely destroys Kristen.. Kristen Votes to Evict Andrew Rachel votes to Evict Andrew Britney […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Andrew’s Lost it yo “If he comes after me i’m throwing grenades left and right .. yo”
3:38pm Cabana Room Lane Krsiten Enzo Enzo talking about Andrew telling him “I know i’m going home but i’m taking people down with me” enzo’s pissed about that. Saying Andrew better not say anything about me yo.. doesn’t talk for 2 weeks in here and now he’s a tough guy yo.. Enzo says he’s gotta […]
**updated**Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden tells Kristen that he thinks Andrews goodbye speech will be that he is one of the life long friends..
11:10am – 12:20pm All the houseguests are laying down trying to take a nap while they are on an HOH lock down. At 12:20pm Big Brother calls an end to the HOH lock down. Brendon and Rachel are talking to Kathy in the bedroom. Brendon is telling Kathy that he isn’t voting against Kathy, […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel tries to find out what Andrews speech will be about… Matt’s paranoid it’s about him
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 9:25am Rachel asks Andrew if Hayden is going to vote to keep Kathy here. Andrew asks why are you telling me this, is this your way of trying to find out what I am going to say?! Why are you telling […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel says that cant believe how much of a BIATCH Kathy is..
8:20am Brendon and Rachel are awake. Rachel talks about how Hayden and Kristen were making out and talking last night. Rachel says that she last night she pretended that she was sleeping so that she could listen to them talk. Brendon asks what she heard them saying? Rachel says just stupid stuff. Brendon says […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says “I felt like adults talking to a fucking retarded monkey.”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 11:50am Up in the HOH room, Ragan tells Matt what happened with Rachel, Brendon and Britney. Ragan tells Matt that he thinks Brendon is an idiot but that he is just smart enough to be dangerous. Ragan says that he felt […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon just doesn’t get it.. “He’s either an idiot or he’s lying through his teeth”
10:40pm Brendon is fighting hard to keep Andrew in the house. He’s just soo disgusted that a floater like kathy is going to survive. Brendon goes on and on and on and on about how he doesn’t want a floater in the house.. how Andrew isn’t coming after him… he wants to compete he wants […]
bb12 – Brits Jealous of Matt’s position in the game, The brigade is getting blasted in sequester and Brendon still campaigning to keep Andrew
9:50pm HOH Brit and ragan Ragan predicts that no matter what happens this week that a strong power player is going home. He see it being a player that deserves to be in the jury house. Brit asks him if he’s going to play hard in the HOH comp tomorrow. Ragan says it’s not in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit won’t Target B/R, Lane Warns Her the House but come after her
8:30pm Matt and Kathy HOh .. YOU KNOW.. they briefly talk about Andrew’s house meeting speech. Matt thinks it was a good move for him, Kathy agrees. She asks him hows it going, Matt pretty sure Andrew is gone he’s too much of a loose cannon. Matt is sympathetic about Andrew saying since day one […]