SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12:07pm Kristen and Kathy are talking. Kristen says that she hopes she takes it all the way. Kathy says that she thinks she will be back doored this week… I mean that there will be a double eviction this week. Kathy […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon and Rachel discuss buying out the next HOH with the $5000; And Big Brother messes with the game…
10:55am – 11:10am Brendon and Rachel talk in the HOH room about buying out someone by giving them $5000. Brendon says the only person he worried about winning the next HOH will be Matt. Rachel says that he could be bought out by the $5000. Brendon says that anyone in the house can be […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane yells to the stripper that got him kicked out of the strip clup ..”All I wanted was my damn change back!”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 8:45am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests for the day. Enzo goes out to the backyard couch and lays out trying to sleep. Kathy and Kristen are in the bedroom talking about the power of veto ceremony. Kathy says that Britney […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: A night of deals and alliances! And Britney says she misses being able to walk around naked… Enzo says Oh shit!!!
11pm All of the houseguests are in the backyard except for Kathy who is in the bathroom. Hayden joins Britney by the hot tub and talk about California weather. Hayden starts talking about his dump he took when he was in have not solitary. They talk about Food Comp and will be “playing as […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – 4 Weeks 4 Deep “MC Beastly Beats “
10:08pm Backyard 3 Deep There talking about how awesome they are because the Brigade is still a secret after 4 weeks in the house. They mention their rap group which they want to call MC beastly Beats.. they joke around about going on tour etc etc. Next week all four want to have a […]
Big Brother 12 – Hayden’s Big Plan to save Kristen “When you win HOH you can say B!tch you embarrassed me on national TV Bring it”
8:50pm Taj Room Hayden tells Kristen the only chance they have to keep her is to talk to Rachel and tell her that brit will take Hayden down only if they pull Kathy up. hayden will also offer them 2 weeks protection. Kristen isn’t sure about doing this she thinks Rachel will put up […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden has a plan to get pulled off the Block and Brit’s onto Matt’s scheming
7:12pm Taj Room Hayden and Brit Hayden is trying to talk Brit into using the POV on him. Brit says if she does it and takes him down theres a good possibility that one of the people she wants to keep in the house will go home (lane and enzo). Brit “I have no […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brits not using th POV And No There told bu production No MORE NEEDLEDICK
4:48pm Backyard Their talking about how Kristen is fighting to stay and basically giving brit everything under the sun. Lane “rachel doesn’t even want her to use it” Matt is worried that brit might fall victim to rachels 5grand if brit won HOH. Lane tells him not to worry he’s going to talk to […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Breaks down over standardized test scores
3:00pm Pool Lane, Matt, brit, Kristen Talking about how big a douche Brendon is. They tease about Brendon making a dvd body by Brendon, and having a section about being a lawyer. Matt asks them what the deal with Rachel earlier. Brit explains that Rachel started crying because she felt that Brendon was saying […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Updates- THE ANIMAL IS OUT
1:25pm Backyard everyone outside having a picnic, for some reason Hayden is out not sure why it hasn’t been 24hours. Just random conversations.. they’re ripping on Pig Pen from last season how she was trying to get CBS to do a Big Brother wedding with her and her man. Brit explains to them that […]
Big Brother 12 Updates – “Brigade gets the Animal Back today”
11:35pm Talking about taking Brendon down next week, they start joking about how badly they want to see Brendon go. Lane: “I want to see blood on his picture” Enzo “I want to see grey and blood”. They talk about Hayden being trapped in the have nots room. He comes out today at 5:00pm. […]
Big Brother 12 Update Sunday Morning – Rachel: “Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow”
10:31am backyard Enzo rachel and brendon briefly go outside and they talk about Hayden coming out of confinement to exchange his battery.. Enzo explains how it was done (Feeds cutting in and out so thats all I could get out of the conversation) Enzo and Brendon keep singing “Meow Meow Meow Meow” Enzo […]