9:40am Britney, Matt and Lane are in the bedroom talking about Brendon and Rachel making breakfast. Britney complains saying that she doesn’t want to eat it. Lane and Matt tell her to just say she doesn’t want any. Britney says that Brendon and Rachel get mad if you don’t eat it. Britney says that […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel tells Hayden & Enzo that she’ll make them bacon & eggs… Enzo calls her a f’in drunk.
Get the 24/7 Uncensored Live Feed streaming video of the house! 3 Day FREE Trial 8:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Lane, Britney, Hayden, Matt and Enzo are all out lying on the backyard couch. Brendon and Rachel are still trying to sleep in the HOH bed with the lights on. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Someone doesnt know how to handle their liquor.. Make-up drunken sex in the HOH bed?!
1am Up in the HOH room Brendon and Rachel are talking. Brendon is annoyed that Rachel got so drunk and flashed her boob by accident. Brendon tells her that they should just go to bed. Brendon gets in bed. Rachel turns off the light and then goes to sleep on the floor next to the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 1-4
Rachel’s Drunken Rampage started at 9:30pm with this Post It continued onto this post and these 2 posts Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 5-8 Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 1-4 Part One Rachel’s Rampage Begins with a bit of wine, A hour of Vegas talk Followed by a little Flashing. Matt in the lower […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 5-8
Rachel’s Drunken Rampage started at 9:30pm with this Post It continued onto this post and these 2 posts Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 5-8 Read More Rachel’s Drunken Rampage Part 1-4 SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial Part 5 Rachel Starts giggling here gummy bears for the boys while acting […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Lane: “Past 4 weeks was the BB Pre-Season It’s The Regular Season now.. game on”
9:30pm Enzo’s is joking around with matt says this time of the day he always looks stoned. Enzo brings up all the pills Matt has and how they’re drugs, “the gremlins doign 6 lines under that blanket yo”. Enzo starts asking Matt a bunch of questions about Matt losing weight, Enzo wonders why he […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Tells Ragan: I Think Logically I Think Strategically I Make Powermoves
8:30pm Hammock Hayden and Ragan Ragan basically tells Hayden the same thing to Hayden that he did to Kristen, There hard votes and easy votes get the hard votes first. He recommends they talk to Brendon and Rachel and tell people to vote based on which player will take them farther in the game. Ragan […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kristen starts campaigning, Enzo: “Is this f**king amateur hour in the f**king apollo”
6:28pm Ragan and Kristen Ragan asks her how it’s all going, She had a good talk with lane but still needs to talk more in depth with him and other people. Kristen thinks if she’s left in the house over Hayden it will benefit Ragan more. Ragan asks who else does Kristen have for […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kristen: “Rachel thinks I’ve given up.. but I’m not giving up B!TCH”
5:55pm Lane and Kristen Backyard Couch Lane saying that people calling other people floaters because they’re not winning competitions is the biggest bullshit. He points out that some people may not want to win the early comps it’s not the best strategy. HE allso thinks most but not all of the comps they’ve had […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit Tells Lane She’s not his Type She Not Trashy and Skanky she’s a classic Beauty
5:05pm Ragan and Matt working out Ragan telling him about the machines at his gym and how they are so much better then what they have to do in the house. Ragan’s worried that he’s eating too much food lately. Ragan bring sup that he thinks if there is too friends int he house […]
Big Brother 12 spoilers: Lane says he would have sex with Rachel over Annie. Britney says that she would rather have sex with Brendon then Matt.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 2:40pm Ragan giving Kristen advice on how to talk to Brendon. He thinks that Kristen and Hayden are strong and awesome and he has no idea how how this happened since he seriously thought they were going to pull a rabbit […]
Big Brother 12 Update – Brendon’s matching Thongs and Kristen Tells Hayden she’s going to Fight To Stay
12:35pm Britney is talking to Enzo and Lane in the backyard. Enzo says that he wouldn’t have even taken as long as Britney did in her POV ceremony speech. Enzo says that he is proud of Britney and that he would have done the same thing. Enzo says that he would have just said Meow […]