11:10am – 11:35am Lane is in the Taj bedroom folding and packing his clothes. Hayden is in the kitchen cooking eggs and Enzo is out sitting on the lounge chair by the pool. More or less a uneventful time in the BB House. Hayden comes in to the Taj and tells Lane his […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane tells them that he had a dream that Big Brother told them if they stayed in the house another 3 weeks …they would all win…
SIGN-UP for FREE and watch the last couple days of BB12! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial! 10:45pm Hayden, Lane and Enzo are in the jumanji room talking about the wrap party. Lane is talking about getting hammered at the wrap party and finding out from his parents who talked shit about him […]
BB12Spoilage – Bragade Drinking with 48hours to go Lane: “Aghhhh don’t say that 48hours feels too long say one day”
TRY the 24/7 Live Feeds – FREE for 3 DAYS!! 9:22pm Hayden and Lane in the backyard. Lane has 6 ice cold coors light with him. they talk about how glad they are to be out of the house soon. Lane: “So i guess our family’s are in California now… probably the same place […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo tries to convince Hayden to take him to the final two one last time…
Watch the last few days of Big Brother 12 for FREE!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 11:25pm – 12:35am Hayden, Lane and Enzo are all in the jumanji room awake with the lights out talking. Lane says that he thinks Big Brother will let them drink because it will be the last day. Enzo […]
Big Brother 12 Family Planning By Lane – Chapter 1 Left Handedness: “The girl has to lay on her left side”
7:45pm Pool Hayden and Lane have just finished their game. They asks enzo if he wants to play. Enzo doesn’t feel like it, He tells them he feels good where he is… he’s thinking about taking a nap on the backyard couch. Enzo: “lets talk about football yo” hayden: “we’ve talked about everything 3 times […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says when they travel after the show ends his wife has to always be around because he would be worried someone might take her and ask for ransom money…
Watch the last few days of Big Brother 12 for FREE! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial! 12:45am Lane is taking a shower, while Enzo and Hayden work out. Hayden is on the elliptical and Enzo is jogging around the backyard. After a while they head inside. Hayden goes to take a shower and […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Blackjack, Tamales and The DUCK
11:09pm Brigade playing blackjack with the tamales. Hayden keeps eating the tamales, enzo tells him he better stop or he’ll have nothing left. Basically there just talking about the card game.. Hayden is pretty excited that the show is almost over he keeps saying they have only 3 more days to go. Lane is […]

Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Bragade sleep the day away.. … .
12:15pm Lane and Hayden in jumanji room sleeping 12:19pm Enzo sleeping in the backyard.. he occasionally moves it’s riveting (Thats pretty much all they have been doing today in the BB house… ) 12:53pm Lane rolls over.. 2:00pm Still sleeping yo 2:35pm Enzo and Hayden are in the backyard.. Enzo tells Hayden even if Lane […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden taps his feet at night.. Lane says that Britney thought it was one of the guys beating off…
Watch the last few days of Big Brother 12 for FREE! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial! 11pm The house guests are on an indoor lock down. Hayden, Lane and Enzo are playing with the jenga blocks. At first they play jenga and then they use the blocks like building blocks to build […]

Big Brother 12 – Getting real in the Big Brother house
5:35pm Pool nothing but pool talk and very little of that 5:40pm Enzo’s been sleeping most of the day. (Getting shunned is taking it’s toll on him) 5:45pm Hayden preparing the pork chops for dinner. Lane joins him outside. Hayden wonders how things would of been different if Brendon was the winner of that one […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother gave the BRA-GADE back their Pool Tournament Trophy…
10:20am – 10:30am Big Brother production tells Lane to change his batteries for his mic. Lane gets up and heads into the storage room. In the storage room Lane finds that Big Brother has given back their pool tournament trophy. Lane is pretty excited they finally get their trophy back, after spending the entire summer […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane says that this was the best day.. no one got evicted.. they got a football, steak & lobster, beer, and guaranteed $50,000
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 10:50pm In the backyard Hayden and Lane are sitting around the hot tub talking. Lane says that he will experience all three final HOH competitions. Hayden says that he doesn’t think that he’d do very well at the faces competition because he […]