New HOH will be “tempted by Pandora’s Box” if they open the box it releases Ragan as the Sabetour It’s Endurance HOH goes to Matt 6:00pm Feeds on trivia 6:28pm Kahty enzo out Brendon Out, He starts complaining that all CBS does if give them competitions that are geared for small feet. […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britneys strategy for winning tonights HOH … Put Visine in Brendons water and pull a Tanya Harding on him…
Watch all the DRAMA for the next 3 days for FREE!! 3 Day FREE Trial – With NO Commitments! 12:20pm Britney, Ragan, Hayden and Lane are in the bedroom talking. Rachel and Brendon are taking all their stuff out of the HOH room. Brendon comes into one of the bedroom. Lane asks him […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel says that she dated a guy that wore three shirts with all three collars popped.
10:15am – 10:50am All the house guests are laying around the HOH room. Brendon is talking to Matt about his job he quit because they mistakenly fired him. Brendon and Matt talk about Scientology. Britney, Matt, Lane, and Brendon talk about bar fights. Britney talks about her ex-boyfriend who got jealous at a […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo calls Brendon the chameleon, he knows everyone … how do we beat this man! Lane says you take the lamp and beat him.
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Lane, Britney, Ragan and Matt are in the bedroom talking about the dreams they had last night. All the other house guests are getting up making breakfast and getting ready for the day. 9:35am Hayden, Enzo and Lane are in the bedroom talking. Enzo […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo and Lanes Pep-talk to Kathy; Lane says if you’re the 1st one off we’re taking all your cigs, if you’re the 2nd one off we are taking half your cigs, if you’re the 3rd one off Enzo is gonna eat your cigs…
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12am Britney, Ragan, Enzo, Matt and Lane talking about being ready for competition. Enzo says that the HOH competition will be a cool challenge. Britney tells them that she wont be sending Brendon an invitation to her wedding reception. She says […]
Big Brother 12 – Brit retells the Horrors of Bathing with B/R. Brit: “Brendon can s*ck my b*lls”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 11:16pm -12:00am Jumanji room Matt, Lane, Ragan and Brit Brit goes over last 2 hour conversation with B/R. She says that both b/r are convinced that they are going to stay in this game next week regardless if they […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt’s HOH prediction It’ll be skill based endurance “In 24hours from now the house is going to be crazy “
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 10:25pm Cabana Room Hayden/Matt Matt is saying how weird it feels to do a goodbye message to a member of the brigade. Hayden remembers doing it for Matt. Hayden:”DUDE we got to win tomorrow” Matt:”BIGTIME, Man they’re really clamouring […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel and Brendon “Theres no Boys Alliance It’s just Kristen being Desperate”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 8:58pm -10:00pm HOH Brit and rachel Brit says she has done nothing around the house today not even talk game. rachel comment that she’s talked game twice today both times with Kristen. Rachel laughs “Kristen is telling us that […]
Big Brother 12 – Enzo, Matt, Lane making the band, Enzo: I’m going to blow your mind i’m going to be hard as sh!t yo”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 7:18pm Jumanji Lane, Brit and Enzo yo Enzo is talking about how theres 2 months left and he’s getting stir crazy. Brt: “hey! I thought we were having fun”. Enzo and lane start joking about quiting. Enzo says he’s […]
**update** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon to Rachel: “you’ll never get hired for s0ftcore p0rn”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 5:33pm HOH Rachel, Brendon and Kristen They ask here how is it going She says it’s getting rough. She tells them she has 2 confirmed votes. Brendon tells her they haven’t had a chance to talk to anyone about […]
Big Brother 12 Updates – Matt gets his Hand Stuck and Kristen still thinks she has a chance
This Big Brother Update shows the house guests in Indoor Lockdown. They cannot see what is going on outside nor can they walk outside. The house guests can hear the sounds of construction from the CBS Crew as they construct this weeks HOH competition in the backyard. The house guests are all getting uneasy Kristen […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers: HOH Picture Day! Ragan puts Rachel’s hair extensions in and makes fun of Rachel …
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 1pm Rachel comes down from the HOH room with the HOH camera for picture day. She also brings down her hair extensions and Ragan and Matt put them in their hair. Ragan is going off making fun of and impersonating Rachel, he is […]