SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 7:16pm Brendon, Brit and Brendon. Rachel is PISSED OFF.. she keeps complaining that it isn’t fair she’s had to fight since day one in this house. 7:25pm cabana Room Brendon and Rachel Brendon tells her that she deserves […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Nominations are Today, and Brendon is Done Suck!ng peoples D!cks
4:51pm Backyard Lane and Hayden Lane asks him who he thinks they should take out this week, Brendon or Rachel. Hayden thinks that after his talk with Brendon in the Taj room he’s pretty sure that Brendon is broken they should Evict Rachel. Lane agrees “his heart is not in the game anymore”. Hayden: “right […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Update- Matt Opens Pandora’s Box and Gets a Dollar
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 3:15pm Cabana Room Matt, HAyden, Kahty, ragan and Brit Matt is telling them that he opened Pandora’s box, he was told he would get riches if he did and all he got was a dollar. Ragan is suspicious that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel/Brendon have a fight with Ragan! Rachel says that maybe I’m an emotional bitch but I’m a girl and girls are emotional bitches.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12:50pm Brendon, Lane, Matt, and Britney are in the kitchen making lunch and talking about pandoras box. Brendon asks if hes going to stick his hand in it. Matt says he’s stick his dick in it. Matt says that the letter he […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon tells Rachel that he guarantees the guys will keep her over Britney. Rachel says she doesn’t think so.. Brendon says are you kidding me she is all over Lanes dick…
10:20am Brendon, Hayden, Lane and Enzo are all laughing and talking about the HOH competition. Brendon talks about how his legs were shaking and couldn’t keep his feet on the ledge. They are all cracking up laughing. Brendon says that his goggles got knocked off. Hayden says that he got a hit right in the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers:Brendon says that he doesnt want Rachel to go before he does… that she deserves to be here more than he does.
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests for the day. Hayden is in the bathroom talking to Enzo and Lane. Hayden is making fun of how he was talking to Rachel in the bathroom and she just started crying and saying that everyone hates her. Hayden says that she just looked at him […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel starts talking about Vegas. Brendon says here we go again.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 12:45am Everyone up in the HOH to see Matt’s HOH room. Matt got a letter from his Mom , Dad and his fake sick wife. (Big Brother cuts the feeds when hes reading the letter, probably because he is lieing about […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon’s upset, ” I Know you Drink a lot and party a lot I’m scared to get hurt”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 11:45pm Cabana Room Brendon and Rachel Brendon telling her he’s worried about if they get separated she’ll cheat. Brendon: “I Know you Drink a lot and party a lot does that mean something is going to happen when u […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Gremlin Cave Smells like a$$ and Rachel wants to have a botox party
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 10:00pm Kitchen, Brendon, Enzo and Lane There talking about the HOH cmp and what parts were harder for them. Enzo really playing up the fact that Lane did so well even though he a Bigger guy. (Last night Brendon […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Crocodile Tears, Matt: “Lets cry over a bottle of wine tonight”
8:53pm Have Nots room, Rachel and Ragan Rachel is crying saying that she feels like they’ve been getting further apart since last week. She didn’t want Kristen’s eviction to come between them. Ragan says that Kristen and him were close he thought she was a good person and is on of the people whose […]
Big Brother 12 Gernades!! – Matt’s HOH Plan “I’m not sure I’ll put them both up I might try another backdoor plan”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 7:38pm Kitchen Matt tells HAyden that if B or R (whoever is left) wins HOH next week then he’s going up for sure they need to get the Brigade (in particular HAyden and Enzo who are on good terms […]
** Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt Wins HOH for the 2nd time..
6:55pm Brigade wins their 3rd HOH… Everyone is excited beside b/r lots of laughs. Rachel immediately starts striking conversations with Matt. We find out that Kathy is a have not so she must of been the first to drop.