Big Brother 12 – Brit’s reason for not using the POV “we are afraid Rachel has run out of medication and she needs to go to jury and get that refilled”

SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments   10:12pm Hammock Ragan and Matt They are briefly going over the past seasons of Big Brother and how there hasn’t be a “real” double eviction for awhile. Matt asks if BB10 had one, Ragan doesn’t know he didn’t make it through […]

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**Updated** Big Brother 12 – Enzo about Ragan: “we get it yo we all know you dated a guy that was in prison for 10 years and was a molester”

SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments   7:40pm HOH Enzo and Lane They are making fun of Rachel transfering her “Powers” to enzo and Brendon tonight, Enzo wonders how it’ll feel. Enzo: “she knows what she’s talking about though yo she knows what questions are coming up… She […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilage – Rachel drank a bottle of tequila in a bikini contest woke up shirtless with vomit all over her and a death grip on a wad of 100’s

    SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments   7:09pm Matt, HAyden, Kathy and Ragan They’re studying all the events that have occurred in the. Ragan goes over everything, He knows the date and order of everything that has happened. They spend extra time going over the sab […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that he can’t wait until the Jedi training starts and that Brendon is going to start levitating things with his mind…

  12:20pm Rachel under the covers in the big bed. Brendon comes in and asks what’s wrong and she tells him about her conversation with Matt. Rachel is upset about it and Brendon gets mad. Brendon says that he’s going to confront Matt after he takes a shower. Rachel keeps complaining about how everyone has […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that before getting into the bathtub with Rachel she took a wine cork and placed it strategically.. wore two maxi pads.. & doubled up on bikinis..

  12:30am Up in the HOH room Britney and Ragan are talking about Rachel and Brendon.  Ragan asks Britney if she was scared when she took a bath with Rachel that she might contract something. Britney says before she got into the bathtub with Rachel she took a wine cork and placed it strategically.. wore […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon says that some girls use their period as an excuse way too much… then says its not like we can check or anything…

  8:30pm Brendon and Rachel are in the bedroom talking. Brendon says that he wants to do something for her. Rachel asks what? Brendon says that he wants to take a bullet for her. They talk about the other house guests and how they’re playing the game. Brendon says they control who stays and who […]

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