SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kathy, Enzo and Lane are in the backyard talking about why Rachel, Brendon were looking through the Big Brother manual yesterday. Kathy says that Rachel and Brendon kept her up last night with their constant […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel thinks she can trap Matt in a lie; Enzo farts and then says that he thinks he just sabotaged his underwear!
12:30am Up in the HOH room Matt, Ragen and Britney talk about Brendon and Rachel about being evil. Britney says that it is a fact, there is nothing evil about fact. The talk about previous house guests from Big Brother 6, they say that they were old, like a bunch of Andrews and then you […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Lane wins the pool Tournament and Just the Tip Episode 2
10:45pm Lane, Brit and Ragan. Brit is talking about a round scar that Lane has on his leg. HE says it was from a 300lb linebacker stepping on him with their cleats on. HE adds that they needed to take a skin graft because when it happened it was raining and muddy and they […]
Big Brother 12 – Pool Tournament, Inflatable Donuts and Boy George Working out
9:50pm Kitchen, Ragan, Kathy and Enzo Ragan is wondering why Boy George is even outside playing pool. Kathy explains that it’s showtime and showtime will be showing the pool table. 9:59pm Backyard couch Brendon, KAhty and Enzo. Kahty tasks Enzo if he drinks win, He says he drinks wine every evening. Kahty asks […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – BRI-GADE calls a meeting, “dodo head” stays this week
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 7:40pm Backyard Couch rachel and Brendon They are both fully convinced that Lane is the sab. Brendon points out that Lane was always a quiet player but now he’s running around causing BLANK, Brendon says its the same behavior they saw […]
Big Brother 12 Updates- Now we know where the PLOP PLOP sound comes from, Hayden keeps his mic on when he takes a dump
6:35pm Brendon cooking salmon in the kitchen SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 6:38pm hayden, Lane, Brit, Enzo, Playing pool chit chatting. Brit tell LAne that she said something stupid when she was walking up to HOH but she’s sure nobody heard her.. She […]
** Updated ** Big Brother 12 – Kathy: “After all this they can’t understand why everybody hates them”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 4:00pm Backyard Matt and Kathy They start off talking about the sab. Matt thinks if Rachel is the sab then based on brendons speech he thinks the sab speech will have somehting to do with a 3 person alliances. Brendon’s been […]
BB12 Brit about Rachel’s free tickets: “it doesn’t matter if you pay for a ticket or your vagina does. you still paid for it”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 2:45pm HOH Everyone but B/R and Kathy They are studying for the HOH comp. Ragan and Matt really know their stuff. Enzo keeps asking questions trying to learn as much as he can. They are all convinced that Rachel is […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: * Updated * Britney didn’t use the POV. Brendon yelled at her calling her a spoiled little brat…
11:50am The feeds come back from the POV ceremony. In the lounge room Rachel is crying. Britney and Rachel are talking about what Brendon said during the POV ceremony. Britney says that she doesn’t understand why Brendon said the things he did to Lane. Britney says that she doesn’t blame Rachel, she blames Brendon […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says hes going to say “Julie I wish what happened in Vagas, stays in Vagas! I vote to evict Rachel.”
10:35am Matt and Ragan are in the HOH bed together. They talk about how the POV meeting will be soon. Matt: We are not locked down or anything are we? Ragan says that we will be when the producers call Britney into the Diary Room. Ragan and Matt laugh that Britney has her Veto […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon is planning on saying and doing something to get the house to evict him instead of Rachel…
Try the live feeds for FREE with no commitments: 3 Day FREE Trial 9:05am – 9:50am All the house guests are sleeping when the feeds switch to the we will be right back screen. At 9:35am the feeds come back. Enzo, Kathy and Hayden are sitting on the backyard couch talking about the […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says he can’t stand watching Rachel pick at her face in the mirror …she looks like a beat up prostitute.
12am Up in the HOH room, Ragan and Britney are talking and making fun of Rachel. Ragan says do you think people believe her BLANK and like all their conversations revolve around Brendon and her. They make fun of how Rachel eats. They read Matt’s letter and laughing at it saying that it is passive aggressive. […]