Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon says he went to Vegas and hooked up with a 39 year old… she was a freak… an untapped resource.

SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kathy, Enzo and Lane are in the backyard talking about why Rachel, Brendon were looking through the Big Brother manual yesterday. Kathy says that Rachel and Brendon kept her up last night with their constant […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: * Updated * Britney didn’t use the POV. Brendon yelled at her calling her a spoiled little brat…

  11:50am The feeds come back from the POV ceremony. In the lounge room Rachel is crying. Britney and Rachel are talking about what Brendon said during the POV ceremony. Britney says that she doesn’t understand why Brendon said the things he did to Lane. Britney says that she doesn’t blame Rachel, she blames Brendon […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan says he can’t stand watching Rachel pick at her face in the mirror …she looks like a beat up prostitute.

12am Up in the HOH room, Ragan and Britney are talking and making fun of Rachel. Ragan says do you think people believe her BLANK and like all their conversations revolve around Brendon and her. They make fun of how Rachel eats. They read Matt’s letter and laughing at it saying that it is passive aggressive. […]

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