Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that Rachel gained weight, she doesn’t get enough cardio because there aren’t enough men to sleep with..

  9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Enzo and Hayden are playing a game of pool. Britney is trying to sleep on the backyard couch. Rachel is on the elliptical and Brendon is running around the yard. Lane comes out and sits near the pool table to watch Enzo and Hayden. Lane plays […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kathy about Brendon’s Childhood: “something happend to him that makes him feel less then a man”

12:00am Enzo wins the pool Tournament SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments   12:20am HOH Ragan Ragan is talking to himself trying to figure out how to handle with B/R. Ragan thinks Brendon’s real target is Matt, Ragan: “These last couple days with Brendon attacking him and BRit […]

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*Updated* Rachel: “I think being emotional and Bitchy just means I’m feisty and I don’t think they can handle being intimidated by a strong women who has everything going for her “

4:45pm Backyard Rachel and BRendon They’re bashing MAtt, Ragan, and Brit. They wonder why anyone would marry matt he’s so lazy and gross, Rachel points out that Matt doesn’t even have a job he works from home. Rachel says that Ragan is just a pathetic person living in a one room apartment, “what a sad […]

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