Try the Live Feeds for FREE! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 11:10am Enzo is restless he tries to take a nap on his bed but cant fall asleep so he goes up to the HOH room to listen to Matt’s music. When Enzo goes into the HOH Matt tells him that the batteries are […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that Rachel gained weight, she doesn’t get enough cardio because there aren’t enough men to sleep with..
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Enzo and Hayden are playing a game of pool. Britney is trying to sleep on the backyard couch. Rachel is on the elliptical and Brendon is running around the yard. Lane comes out and sits near the pool table to watch Enzo and Hayden. Lane plays […]
Big Brother Spoilage – Brendon Suspended From Teaching For Immoral or Unprofessional Conduct?
Big thanks to Uncle Cool for supplying us with this information about Brendon. You can check out the source yourself located here. Please note we do not know why Brendon was suspended we can only assume it has something to do the California Public School board making him teach in a environment that favors […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney says that her goodbye speech should have been “Suck it you pansy! ..I don’t care if you live or die!”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 1:10am In the kitchen Enzo, Hayden, Matt, Ragan and Britney are talking about the saboteur. Matt says that the saboteur is going to get nailed and that if you accept the saboteur, you can’t win, you’re going to get found out. Enzo […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Kathy about Brendon’s Childhood: “something happend to him that makes him feel less then a man”
12:00am Enzo wins the pool Tournament SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 12:20am HOH Ragan Ragan is talking to himself trying to figure out how to handle with B/R. Ragan thinks Brendon’s real target is Matt, Ragan: “These last couple days with Brendon attacking him and BRit […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Blow up Aftermath, Brit to Brendon: “No wonder your family doesn’t support you, you humiliate them.”
10:30pm Brit crying after the blow up Lane site beside to tell her it’s alright this is how the game goes. Lane tells her to toughen up she’s a southerner we have more emotions than this west coast people. Lane tells her Brendon id doing his last hurraay right now because he thinks he’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers- Brendon: “It’s pronounced neanderTAL not neanderthal”
9:15pm HOH Lane and MAtt MAtt’s telling him that Ragan and BRit are very fired up about winning the HOH they know your guys are not the targets if Brendon wins. Matt was telling Brit and Ragan that Brendon and them are the only three that will be really fighting for the HOH. Matt i […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon “Begs” Enzo to Vote him out this week
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 8:30pm Taj Brendon and Enzo Brendon breaking it down why he needs to go over Rachel. Brendon doesn’t know what the hell they are going to do they are outnumbered he doesn’t think him staying will be a good idea. Brendon […]
*Updated* Rachel: “I think being emotional and Bitchy just means I’m feisty and I don’t think they can handle being intimidated by a strong women who has everything going for her “
4:45pm Backyard Rachel and BRendon They’re bashing MAtt, Ragan, and Brit. They wonder why anyone would marry matt he’s so lazy and gross, Rachel points out that Matt doesn’t even have a job he works from home. Rachel says that Ragan is just a pathetic person living in a one room apartment, “what a sad […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Updates – Brendon doesn’t think a “Midget” or “Gay Guy” will win BB
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 2:20pm Backyard Enzo, Matt, Brit, Hayden and Lane on the couch. They’re talking about who the sab is and teasing brit that Kahty is her mom. Brit: “I do need to win HOH not only for personael reason but […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lane tells Kathy that he might need her sheriff shirt today cuz he wants to look hard!
Try the Live Feeds For FREE Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 1pm Matt and Ragan are up in the HOH talking about how they think Rachel and Brendon are going to call another house meeting. Ragan says that whatever they do they should not engage them. Matt asks so if they start calling me […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Ragan thinks Rachel got clues in her HOH letter .. “I love you more than Hunting for Sharks in Oil free water.”
10:45am Hayden and Ragan are alone in the backyard talking. Hayden says that he wants to talk to him later about scenarios for next week. Hayden wonders if it would be better to put Brendon straight up or try and backdoor him. Ragan says problem is you put up to pawns he gets picked, […]