Enzo votes to Evict = Rachel Lane Votes to Evict = Rachel Hayden Votes to Evict = Rachel Ragan Votes to Evict = Rachel Britney Votes to Evict = Rachel (tequila vomit hundred dollar bills) Kathy Votes to Evict = Rachel Boy George is GONE THANK YOU BRIGADE!!! Evicted HouseGuest: Rachel Rachel walks out Doesn’t […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says there is gonna be some mad drama today YO!
Live Feed TRIAL! Try it free for 3 Days! 12:55pm Matt and Britney are in the storage room talking. Matt says that he really thinks its going to be a double eviction tonight and that Brendon will lose the HOH competition. Britney says that she is nervous. Matt says that she shouldn’t get nervous, […]

Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel asks Brendon if he is going to propose to her on finale night… Brendon says no ..maybe in a year or so..
Watch everything that happens tonight after the live show!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 12pm Brendon and Rachel are in the bathroom. Rachel and Brendon are kissing and talking. Rachel tells Brendon that she didn’t know she could like someone after only 40 days. Then Rachel says that Brendon has her whole heart. […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: HOH lock down .. Rachel complains that her breakouts have gotten even worse…
TRY the Live Feeds for FREE!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 10:40am Big Brother tells the house guests that they are on a HOH lock down. All the house guests head up to the HOH room and make themselves comfortable. Rachel and Brendon are the last ones up to the HOH […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that his bed smells like musk with a side of curry.
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH room Matt and Ragan are talking game. Matt says that Hayden and Enzo won’t care if Brendon wins HOH because Brendon wont put them up. Matt says for Ragan to be […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo says that if Kathy wins HOH tomorrow he will c********* himself.
12:25am Brendon and Rachel are in the bedroom under the covers making out . Rachel says that she is in love with him. Brendon says that he is definitely going to need her after this experience, like for 70 years. Rachel says done. Brendon tells her that she is amazing and that he loves her. […]
**update** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt’s “brilliant” plan and the Cockaroachel Tripod
10:30pm Taj, Enzo, rachel, Brendon They start talking about past HOH comps and are trying to predict what tomorrow will be. Brendon tells enzo if it’s the one with the cans the trick is to hold the can in the centre. They go over some of the nicknames the houseguests had during a POV Comp […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brigade’s loyalty Tested, Lane to Enzo:” you’re getting in too deep with Brendon … TOO DEEP”
8:45pm Taj R/B Rachel crying because she’s not ready to leave Brendon. Brendon tells her to be strong he will protect her in the real world she’s amazing and smart she’ll be ok. Brendon tells her she’ll be ok in the house without him she knows the game better then anyone and she’s tough. Bren: […]
BB12 – Enzo explains whats going on: “BG goes CT TT about this ST in the BB about the HD.. it’s either the HD’s or PV’s that the BG has to win”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 7:30pm HOH Ragan Feeds ckip to the HOH ragan starts talking to the camera: “good love conquers all immediately b/r jump up ecstatic (regan impersonates Rachel hideous laugh) they jumped into the taj which makes them look so super duper suspicions […]
** Updated ** Big Brother 12 Spoilers -6pm Pizza Party, Ragan: watch out the Gruesome Twosome is going to get drunk and annoying
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 5:47pm Kathy, Brit, Ragan and MAtt Brit tells them this week will not be double eviction. She explains that they made taped messages today for the show tomorrow and if they were to do a double eviction there would be no […]
**updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – New Sab Message, Lane to Enzo: “if I find that the BGs had anything to do with love conquers all i’m going to get hostile”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 3:00pm cabana room Ragan, Lane, HAyden They’re talking about being naked in front of the life feed cams. ragan says he forgot once in the beginning of the season and was completely naked in front of the camera. Enzo says […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Matt comes into the bedroom where Rachel and Brendon are and tell them he needs a scandal pic.
Try the Live feeds for FREE! Superpass 3 Day FREE Trial 1pm Ragan and Britney are playing checkers on the HOH balcony. All four cameras are on them and they aren’t really talking. Britney says that she just thinks its so funny. Ragan asks what?! Britney says BLANK-a-Roaches! Britney says it’s hys-terical! […]