11am Big Brother cut the feeds for about five minutes when they come back everyone is in the living room talking about an up coming challenge. They talk about how they will be having a have/have not food challenge. They talk about how maybe they have to eat something disgusting that’s put in front of […]
Year: 2010
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon whines to Hayden about how the midget owes him an apology for bashing his intelligence.
TRY the Live Feeds for FREE!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Brendon and Hayden are in Taj bedroom. Brendon is whines to Hayden about how the midget owes him an apology for bashing his intelligence. All the house guests lay in there bed trying […]
Enzo calls Britney a inbred albino.
12:35am In the bathroom, Hayden tells Enzo what he was thinking about how the best case scenario is that Britney nominates Brendon and Enzo and then Hayden wins POV to pull of Enzo which would force Britney to make another enemy by putting someone else up. Brendon comes in and says that those three (Himself, […]
**update**Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brigade can’t have a meeting with ND lurking around
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 11:00pm Backyard Brendon, Hayden, Enzo, Lane Lane brings up that Nick didn’t look like he thought he would look different. Brendon says Nick looked nerdy. Lane says the picture made him look like a golfer, Hayden agrees. They start […]
**updated**Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Lane: “I don’t care if we have to clone a f*cking dog I’m winning POV”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 9:30pm Pool table Brit and LAne Brit I hope you don’t get mad but i’m going to put you up against brendon. Lane if thats the case I have to redo a DR session. Brit tells him she’s joking, […]
Matt: “I pulled a Gremlin move on the house”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments 8:05pm Hammock, Matt, Brit and Ragan Matt asks Brit whose she thinking of putting up. Brit isn’t sure she wants to call a house meeting and ask people who wants to go up as the pawn. Matt asks to please not put […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit tells Matt/Ragan they’re safe, Enzo tells Lane to watch out Brendon is going to start Sh!t, Lane: “It’s fighting time”
7:15pm Cabana Room Matt and Ragan ragan: “I really think you deserve to be here and I think anyone that takes you out becuase your a competitor doesn’t”. Ragan brings that taking out kathy speaks volume of the type of player and person he is. Ragan: “I don’t know many other people in the house […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brit WINS HOH
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Days FREE No Commitments Double eviction Next Thursday 6:00pm Audio Leak, MAtt explaining that Rachel was going through his stuff and produciton said she was allowed… You can hear production telling him that Have nots is over at 9:00pm. Matt telling them that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Matt Vs Lane, DPOV, HOH, Double Eviction? all tonight
Tonight’s live show is a big one. Matt will Use the Diamond Power of Veto and put someone up as a replacement nomination. Will Matt have figured out that the Brigade wants him gone and nominate one of their members or will be play it safe and put up Kathy? Big Brother 12 Live Show […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Sign-up for the Superpass Live Feeds & SEE What Happens LIVE!! FREE 3 Day Trial!
Watch everything LIVE as it happens!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 1:30pm – 1:45pm Matt and Ragan are in the have not room talking. Ragan is still wiping away the tears and crying saying how much he doesn’t want Matt to leave. Ragan asks Matt how he will act with Rachel in […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney tells Hayden & Enzo that she wants HOH really bad and if they don’t want it ..there won’t be any judgement …just throw it ..
Watch everything LIVE as it happens!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 12pm Big Brother calls an end to the lock down. Enzo and Hayden head back into their bedroom and get back into bed. Enzo says that Thursdays are good you just sleep all day. Enzo says that he aint talking to […]
* Updated * Big Brother 12 Spoilers: How is Britney ever going to win tonights competition if she has to take a break eating slop??!
Watch everything LIVE as it happens!! Superpass – 3 Day FREE Trial 8am Ragan wakes up and goes to lay down in the cabana room. Ragan is studying out loud. Ragan starts going over all of the events in the house, who was evicted when and what happened next. After a while of […]