The Bold and the Beautiful casts Brenchel from Big Brother by Lynette Rice The latest Big Brother showmance will follow in the footsteps of Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd by making its debut in CBS daytime next month: Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas, a.k.a. Brenchel, will appear in two episodes of The Bold […]
Month: September 2010
Big Brother 12 Housguests 15 minutes of fame Part 1
Big Brother 12 the entire season of the live feeds transcribed with pictures. Plus insane discussions from the spoiler crew July August September nnie from Big Brother 12 talks to the PopTalk Webshow @VegasBash 2010 Britney BB12 on KNWA
Big Brother 12 – Assorted Post Show Interviews, Pics and Rumors
Big Brother 12 the entire season of the live feeds transcribed with pictures. Plus insane discussions from the spoiler crew July August September Mark Long Interviews Big Brother 12’s Runner-Up Lane Elenburg
Survivor Spoilers – Episode 2 Press Images
I know what your thinking what the hell is this survivor stuff doing on a Big Brother live Feed Spoiler Blog.. As requested we’re going to try and post some survivor news, I’m not sure were this will lead but if anything it’ll be a place for us to discus Survivor. Big Brother is […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Houseguest Twitter Accounts
Check out Big Brother 12 the entire season of the live feeds transcribed with pictures July August September Britney Haynes Ragan Fox
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Interview with Lane Ellenburg’s sister; & Britney claims her home is unlivable and may move to LA
Mark Long interviews Big Brother 12’s Lane Ellenburg Sister at the Vegas Bash. Mark Long wanted to find out how Lane really feels about Britney, The BRA-Gade and more. RE-Watch Big Brother seasons 10, 11 & 12 on SUPERPASS! FREE 3 Day TRIAL!
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden dishes on strategy, the Brigade and what he’ll do with the money…
‘Big Brother’s winner TVGuide: By Denette Wilford 2010-09-17 RE-Watch Big Brother seasons 10, 11 & 12 on SUPERPASS! FREE 3 Day TRIAL! Check out Big Brother 12 the entire season transcribed: July August September Now that you’ve had a few hours for it to sink in, how does it […]
Big Brother 12 Vegas Bash Pics and Vids
Looks like Britney Haynes and Nick are still hanging together.. Nick looks sweaty like usual.
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Interviews
RE-Watch Big Brother seasons 10, 11 & 12 on SUPERPASS! TRY it FREE

Big Brother 12 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 2010
Gallery of Images from Big Brother 12 September 2010, These are the images we used on the site for BB12. [flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157626326020812″] Make sure to stay connected with Big Brother 13 Spoilers. Dawg and Simon are back ready to catch everything on the Live Feeds, we’re on Twitter @bigbspoilers, Facebook, Twitpic, Flickr, RSS, Tumblr […]

Big Brother 12 Finale results – Meow Meow Vs. 8 Seconds Vs. Hairdo .. The Hair Wins!!
Well it’s kind of a given that Hayden and Lane are going final 2 and Hayden will be winning but lets play along and pretend that this will be a surprise. Final HOH goes to Hayden Last evicted houseguest ENZO Final 2 is Hayden / Lane Jury votes are Rachel votes for LANE […]

Big Brother Spoilers: Lane says that its like Christmas Eve! He jokes that if he won the half million he would be in debt in a year…
10:35pm – 12:20am Hayden, Lane and Enzo talk about all the crazy things they could buy and do if they Win Big Brother and get half a million. Lane jokes that he would be in debt in a year. The conversation changes to talking about Andrew and how bizarre of a casting decision he […]