7:09pm Backyard Enzo, Brendon and RAchel Brendon is telling Enzo that he is pissed that there was people that dropped out of the HOH so early. It shows that these players don’t want to play the game and just wanted to stay off slop. He wants to take those players out. Enzo: “What was […]
Month: July 2010
Big Brother 12 NEW FLASH – Matt’s hands AREN’T Cupping his Cr*tch..
6:25pm cabana Room Matt and Ragan ragan mentions that the second week being a have nots Ragan is saying that he can relate to Enzo but he’s not having fun and is still making the best of it… feeds cut to kitchen…. We come back and Ragan is wondering why he hasn’t been called […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan knows Artemas from”It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and Enzo isn’t really like this in front of his family
5:42pm Lane and hayden playing pool.. hayden points out how lame being in the house would be if they didn’t have a pool table 5:45pm Backyard Couch Enzo, Brit, Matt, ragan chit chat Brit: “I date nice mushy wonderful guys.. don’t like guys with the bad boy persona” Matt: “so you woulnd’t date enzo” […]
**Updated** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden and Kristen Target B/R, Hayden:”this time we’ll put both of them up”
3:41pm Taj Room Hayden and Kristem Kristen saying that Brit and Rachel are constantly together now and Rachel is spreading rumors about me, I think they are coming after me “IM PISSED”. Hayden says he’s really gunning for HOH this week if he wins He’s putting up Brendon and Rachel no more bullshit. I’ll say […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Lazy day in the backyard sun tanning and relaxing…
12:50pm Lane, Hayden and Kathy are making chicken salad. 1pm Enzo and Ragan have a quick talk in the have not room about who they should vote out this week. Ragan says that he lives by the golden rule, and to do the honorable thing. Enzo says that he was talking to Brendon […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Kathy lets Kristen know that Rachel is talking about her and Hayden being in a relationship..
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 10:45am Out on the backyard couch Kristen and Kathy are talking. Kristen asks Kathy what’s going on? Kathy tells her that her and Hayden are really the only two people that she trusts. Kristen says she knows. Kathy says that Rachel […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Matt says that it was so awesome watching Britney get drunk and dance topless on the table last night..
9am Matt is up, gets ready and then goes to the backyard to work out on the elliptical. Brendon is now up and comes out the backyard. Brendon says that he can’t believe how people in this house show no loyalty. Brendon re-confirms his deal with Mat, where he won’t put him up next […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Enzo laughs about how he opened the door while Hayden was in the bathroom
12am In the kitchen, Enzo Matt and Lane are strategizing. They talk about what to do, and with who, while they point at the photos on the memory wall. Enzo looks at Brendon photo and calls him Bill Gates with muscles. Matt says, well, he’s gone next week. Enzo starts laughing while he tells Matt […]

BB 12 Spoilage Saturday Night SHOCKER – Boy George is drinking
9:39pm Kitchen Lane, Boy George, Enzo Rachel has just finished telling them how much she loves sangria back at home in Vas Vegas she drinks them every day. Lane asks her if she’s a mixer at work. Rachel “Uhhhmm NO i’m not a mixologist” Enzo: “OHH you’re not a mixologist”.. She explains that in the […]
Big Brother 12 – New Flash Brendon and Rachel are “obviously” 2 Different People and the Brigade is Tighter then I Thought
8:00pm HOH Lane and matt Same thing between these 2 Lane can’t believe they didn’t win, Lane hates those type of competitions, Matt is shocked this happened this wasn’t Matt’s plan… Lane says they have to win HOH next week but thats not a problem because ‘they’ can win HOH it’s just these POV’s […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Andrew’s Plan, Piss on everyones head for votes
6:45pm Andrew tells Kathy he won’t be campaigning against her. kath tells him that the whole house is torn. She says that they didn’t expect for both of them to be up, “They wanted to backdoor someone” Andrew says thats what he’s hearing to and it’s stupid, “He wonders what would happen if […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Brendon talks about how everyone is probably saying that they should just do it already. Rachel says were not going to.. Brendon says not until we’re married.
Watch all drama on FLASHBACK! FREE3 Days TRIAL 5pm Rachel and Brendon are in the hammock talking. Rachel and Brendon talk about who they have on their side of the house. Brendon tells Rachel that she needs to get people to talk before the HOH competition. Brendon thinks Rachel needs to talk to […]