JUDD thinks he lost Candice’s Jury vote for kissing Aaryn “She’ll look at it like I kissed a racist”

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV ?
POV Used POV Ceremony Sept 9th
HOH Winner: Spencer Next HOH: Sept 11th*
Original Nominations: Gm and McCrae
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa
Have Nots


3:12pm Backyard JUDD and Andy

Chatting about the jury votes. JUDD jokes that Andy is this years Shelly. Andy says that was his plan all along.
JUDD is worried that he’s lost Candice’s vote because he kissed Aaryn. Andy – “she won’t base her vote off of who you kisses”
JUDD – “She looks at it like that she’ll look at it like I kissed a racist”.
Andy says Aaryn has probably told everyone in the jury house she kissed JUDD.
Andy – Oh my god I don’t want to go to that Jury house”
JUDD – “I don’t want to go this week.. next week wouldn’t be as bad”

THey mention that one of the people filming in the walls wears high heels and she always walks around at 4am.

Andy wonders what the girls were thinking when Amanda and Elissa walked in. JUDD thinks Aaryn was very happy. They agree Spencer does not have too many people against him in the jury house because he spent most of the game on the block.

JUDD says the only reason he wanted to keep Elissa over McCrae was she wasn’t very good at competition. Andy mentions how Elissa was able to get into the zone and win them from time of time. JUDD thinks it doesn’t matter most of the time if you want it or not sometimes you just can’t win it. Brings up the puzzle yesterday how he wanted it so bad but just wasn’t going to win it.

Andy – “This game is better suited for guys.. girls are way too emotional’
JUDD – “Helen… that’s probably why Janelle did so good she wasn’t emotional.. Rachel was emotional”

JUDD says he does kinda feel bad for ELissa because she was a bit in Rachel’s shower. Andy doesn’t feel bad for her she applied for the show she knew what she was getting into to.
Andy – “She wasn’t nice or easy to be around with.. Some days She we joked around but it would always get undermine if you looked at her wrong she would get pissed”
JUDD- “She did.. she would get mad at the weirdest things.. and stay mad”
Andy – “She wasn’t rational you couldn’t deal with her
JUDD – “Amanda was just a b!tch”
Andy – “Amanda was nice to me but she was a a$$hole to other people and I didn’t like her.. there was some days I was thinking I don’t know if AManda is a nice person”
JUDD says his speech is going to be like ” I lied about my profession I’m really a exterminator.. I’m afraid GM will yell out YA exterminators”
Andy laughs mentions how GM was doing cartwheels in the kitchen on a broken toe.

GM joins them.. Start to tell them about her stitches. She says her body went into shock and she started shaking.

JUDD – “Hey GM you look nice.. ” GM says she’s getting ready for the photo booth.

They bring up that Amanda would use 10 dishes to make the most simple thing in the kitchen. GM says Amanda was the worst cook. JUDD agrees says he had tho throw out that burger she made because it wasn’t even cooked.
Andy says the best cooks were GM, Elissa and Candice. GM and JUDD agree.
GM adds that Aaryn was the best at baking.
Andy says Aaryn was pretty good at cooking mentions the quesadillas she made.

They all agree they had no intentions to going on the party bus to the Vegas bash. Andy is glad there is not Vega bash he kinda just wants to go home. GM would rather spend the time with Nick.

JUDD – ‘I don’t want to get blackout drunk..”
GM – “Hopefully Nick and I will take the same flight back”

Andy says he always thought he was the biggest Big Brother fan then coming in to the house he realizes he’s not, ‘I never even watched Big Brother After Dark”
JUDD – ‘Will you get the feeds next year”
Andy – “I think I will.. If I have the time”
JUDD says he watched the feeds for Big Brother Canada.
They all agree Jillian from ET Canada was super cool. Andy says Jeff’s interview was the best he kinda feels bad for rooting against Jeff during Big Brother 13. JUDD liked Jeff’s interview a lot.

Andy – “I kinda hope Spencer gets a Pandora’s box just something to pass the time this week”
JUDD – ‘it’s way too late for a Pandora’s box ”
GM – “Usually thieve had four already.”
GM points out that McCrae’s life is probably just like waht he’s doing now. Delivers pizza at night and sleeps all day. Andy – “And obsesses about Big Brother”

Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here


3:46pm Backyard Andy and JUDD

JUDD wishes there was a competition where they could distract each other. JUDD would hold McCrae down so Andy would get HOH.

GM joins them

JUDD jokes if he wins he’s buying GM a big plastic bubble so she doesn’t hurt herself anymore.

JUDD – “I’m officially out of cigarettes”
Andy – “Oh no JUDD”
JUDD – ‘I’ve been 5 weeks without cigarettes before
Andy – ‘why was that’
JUDD – ‘I just quit.. I was very grouchy.. I wish I could trade McCrae something.’

McCrae joins them.

JUDD – “McCrazy.. you just slept the day away”
Andy – ‘you missed the luxury comp this morning’
JUDD – ‘we watched a movie’

You can re-watch ever second on the feeds using the flashback feature.. It’s just like a DVR and is super easy to use. click this link for a Free Trial —> Subscribe to the Big Brother Live Feeds


4:07pm Backyard ANdy, GM and JUDD
GM says the longest guy Amanda has ever been with is McCrae because she was stuck in the house with her. GM says Amanda has a new guys every week.

4:15PM Spencer finally rolls out of bed. Chats with McCrae in the kitchen. McCrae says everyone outside thought he was on the hammock. They kept calling him from the couch outside.
Spencer – ‘Dude.. like GM is so f*** wildcard.. even if she cut her foot off if there is an endurance.. ”
S – “If she made it to the final 3 with us she’s fast..”
Andy joins them asks what they are talking about.
Spencer – “Gm being such a wild card”


4:25pm Showing off their bruises from the POV competition

Everyone is up milling around the kitchen.

They don’t think they will be getting the BBQ back.

4:37pm Photo Booth time


4:45pm Bedroom JUDD and McCrae
JUDD asks MC if he’s voting out GM. MC says yes.

4:46pm Bedroom Andy and JUDD
JUDD asks Andy if he’s voting to keep him.
Andy says yes of course.


5:10pm Photo booth

5:56pm Everyone bedroom
Chatting about how awesome Chef Joe was last season because of all the stories he use to tell. Like the time he said he made up the name for “I can’t believe it’s not butter”
McCrae says once he heard him say that on the feeds he was a insta fan of Joe. (LOL same with me)

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181 thoughts to “JUDD thinks he lost Candice’s Jury vote for kissing Aaryn “She’ll look at it like I kissed a racist””

  1. Anyone see the commercial for big brother where spencer says “it’s up to the big brother gods as to what happens”…. Meaning production!

    Seriously though. I wonder it that’s big brothers subliminal jab to everyone

    1. the best ending for this season will be Julie Chen walking though the BB house door tomorrow, and telling all 5 of these A-HOLES to pack their shit up because they’re all evicted. Julie then throws two middle fingers up and yells “GAME OVER BI7CHES!….EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!”

        1. Judd shut the fuck up already!!! Damn, vote his shady, lazy, stupid ass out already so we don’t have to hear him whine anymore. You don’t deserve to be here, turd. You already were voted out once, remember? Asshole!

      1. Cool ending but a great theme would be like Cabin in the Woods after they realized they were all locked in the house and food water were cut off and it just morphed into a real live Survivor where the last one alive wins the key to unlock the door. I bet that would liven up the feeds to a frenzy.

      2. Great ending.. The problem would be for people who don’t subscribe to the feeds or look at spoilers. Example, from the TV show tonight you’ have no idea about all the disgusting comments directed toards Elissa from the exterminator gang of 4…. Spenser and Judd appear to nice guys who are into playing a half decent game.. GM and Andy naughty but nice gamers.. McCrea the smart player.

    2. Lets see now……no movie or prize trip out of the house, no celebrity visit, not too many prizes, no Pandoras box, you would think that the HGs would start figuring out that they are not being treated as past BBs . I have watched every season of BB and have NEVER seen a more despicable group, I dont mind the swearing , the sex talk , the backstabbing. I draw the line at the vile attacks on family and especially children. I am looking forward to the finale , I’m sure Rachel will have plenty to say if they let her.

      1. The HGs have wondered why they don’t get extras. But they have convinced themselves it’s because they give them enough good footage so BB doesn’t need to create any with something exciting.

        1. Loved the piggys. My hunch the $5000 was in the pink piggy with the Tiara and lace type ballet skirt.. The one that may have reminded him if Elissa.. Then one from each of the other stands
          .Wonder if the drill sergeant interrupting Spandy with his letter and then nominations was an attempt to annoy him.

      2. Andy thinks he is a great bb player and he called himself “adorable”
        he thinks he’s all that

        1. Leave it to Rat turd to STILL walk in on conversations and ask what were they talking about. The rat is so paranoid. Doesn’t even trust his own alliance that he has to barge in on every conversation going (like he did all season) and hear what was being said. How pathetic that people feel obligated to acquiesce. I’d tell him to act like a rat, since he is one, and scurry. Fucking snitch.

      1. I bet you are a big huge ugly ass motherfucker talking about Amanda’s weight I cant stand Amanda but fat is something she is not her chest is big because thast what she paid for you are just like your bestie GM talking about Jessie but if you look almost every time we see GM she is always stuffing her nasty ass fat mouth and every since GM was told that people knew she makes herself puke she cant go do it and all the weight is packing on her nasty cellulite body and her teeth look the way they do because she puke and don’t brush afterwards karma is getting her as back fast for talking about Jessie and Amanda also yes Jessie did gain a little weight but she wasn’t huge and Amanda went down in her weight

      1. Amanda just has an awkward shape, very V shaped…I think she is larger up-top and that makes for an un-feminine shape. As much as I hate Amanda, I think she has a pretty face..but idk what she was thinking getting breast implants (a butt implant would have served her better!)

  2. ughhh – east coast the US Open is still going on. Right before I went back to football they say that 60 minutes will be shown in it’s entirety after the tennis is over. I wonder if BB will be shown on one of the links or will it be delayed b/c CBS hasn’t aired it yet.
    Ohhh – looks like Serena just won – now hurry up & get 60 minutes over with or just skip it all together. oh well….back to football.

    1. Hopefully it starts on time or not too late. Have a long day at work tomorrow.

      Just finished watching the 49ers win!!!!!

    2. CBS and Big Brother posted on Facebook that due to the US Open, Big Brother would not be aired until 8:51/7:51.

    3. just watching the recap on BB tonite, How did MC NOT see AM blame Andy on her way out the door? We know now that AM said it to help the Rat’s game somehow. I’m condused.MC was the one who never trusted the Rat. BTW can someone in production show MC how to tie a bandana on without having a corner hanging out

      1. MC said he knew Any lied but put Elissa up because he didn’t want to make waves in the house…still mcpussy.

        1. McCrae was playing personal. He put Elissa on the block because she put him on the block two weeks ago. That’s why Elissa’s whole U turn of trying to save Amanda/McCrae at the end didn’t make sense. Amanda/McCrae hated Elissa, so why Elissa thought they would ever honor any agreement with her didn’t make sense. Double D also played personal. Elissa wanted to work with him, but he wasn’t having that. He would rather lose the game and work with Andy before working with Elissa. So be it, Double D leaves this week.

      2. What Amanda said to Andy as she was walking out was pre-planned. It was to save McCrae’s alliance with Andy and keep him safe so the house wouldn’t think he voted to keep Amanda. They had no idea Andy voted against them and figured it was Elissa who voted to evict Amanda.

    1. Judd is counting votes in the house. I didn’t know he could count that high. Judd lets wait to see if you survive this week first before we start worrying about whether you have Candice’s vote.

      1. Andy irritates me soooo much. He does not deserve to win. True he played a decent social game but cried like a Beetch when he was put on the block. That’s what set him apart as being a good player. It showed his only true skill was being sneaky and lying. When faced with adversity he was the biggest Beetch in Big Brother history, he cried just when they mentioned him going up. Total, Beetchazzness. I never had a favorite to win, however, my “ahhhh, Hell No!” least favorite list to win included…..Andy aka Da Rat, Aaryn, and Amanda.

        1. Andy and Amanda basically have the spoiled brat way of dealing with not getting their way –

          Crybabies, Grow up already.

      2. Andy didn’t cry, that was a fake cry that Elissa wasn’t swayed by. Helen cried at the drop of a hat to control people. However, she used her crying technique so much that people started being immune to it. Amanda also faked cried a lot but could never generate the tears when she fake cried. Andy watched Helen in action and thought he could replicate it on Elissa. Either he did his fake cry wrong when he tried it on Elissa or she must be a robot and had to be destroyed.

      3. hey rat I don’t like andy but everyon e picture the jury house sitting down for dinner they look up at each other and realize they are the idiots 6 women staring at each other and we fought between each other and if we were together emotional idiots

    1. I wish they would give Andy something to do, or gag him. I think he’s JEALOUS of Elisa. There were a lot more people in the house, and 5 of them are in jury, certainly he can find someone else to talk about besides Elisa. I really hope Julie asks him what his obsession is with Elisa. The others talk about her true, but Andy seems to always bring it up. He is definitely a trouble maker and a gossiper of stirring up crap. He does this to get everyone else to say something negative. He did the same thing to GM about Candice a few weeks ago, but GM wouldn’t take the bait. It’s so sad that he feels he needs to belittle other people in order to make friends and to make himself look good. Seems to me he has some serious issues he needs to work on.

      1. I think his hatred started when she let it be known that she knew he was a sneaky, lying Beetch. She was the only one to figured it out, therefore, she was a threat and needed to go. Even Helen refused to believe it. FYI…The season houseguests were all a bunch of cowards. I find it pathetic that every last one of them sat around and let the bullies- bully and bigots- hate and never spoke up. I have no respect for any of them. How will they explain that to their children/grandchildren? That they old their soul and integrity for the chance to win 500k. I think many of them will look back on this with embarrassment and regret.

      2. Of course Andy is jealous of Elissa. She was able to look hotter in spandex then Andy. The b$$ch had to go. Never try to out fashion a gay guy.

      3. Andy keeps talking about Ellissa for two reasons. McCrae is still in the house so he can’t trash Amanda. But his more sinister reason, is to convince America that Ellissa was evil and he and he alone deserves their vote for America’s favorite. Just in case these losers wake up from their misting, an vote him out before he wins, which he will if he gets to final 2 with any of these losers.

          1. Slop, did you and Gina go to the same school? Seems like you two are on the same educational level. Are you from Brooklyn?

            1. Truth/ lurker007/ Go Mets….. I’m a West Coaster….. but kind of weird you’re going to give me shit with a screen name of “Go Mets” …. Does your mother know you are up this late?

    1. I would love to see Andy’s pitch to the jury, “I only cried a little the one time I was nominated for eviction.”

  3. It’s funny Hw they talk about this game is suited more for men when this season this was ran all season by a woman and they couldn’t even win anything had it nt been for gettin the girls out of the house. I truly dnt want anyone of these guys to win but it goes especially for Andy he just make me sick nd to me rather yu liked past females or nt Rachel would have wiped the floor with them no matter Hw emotional she got!! And Hw the 4 men left in this house gossip they are just a bunch of spineless girls too !!!! Ugh

  4. The house is so boring without Amanda. Don’t care who wins at this point but if I had to choose I guess McCrae or Andy. If Spencer wins I’m going to be horrified.

    1. do you really think listening to an adderall induced b*atch is more interesting..again she can dish it but can’t take it…she could not take the heat it was time to leave…waa waaha!

    2. I was thinking the same thing. I don’t want a pervert or racist to win. I go back and forth on Judd, but he just seems to not be playing a good game.

    3. Last entertainment I noticed from Amanda was controlling the game from a funky bed, through her sheep “Andy and Helen” aka the only reason McCranda lasted so long, once Helen was gone Amanda’s influence left with her, and from then on it was, “I played such a good game before didn’t I?, it’s not fair that I can’t control HOHs anymore, wah,wah,wah, it doesn’t make any sense I’m not the center of attention anymore, wah,wah,wah, since I can’t get my way I’m gonna throw tantrums then play the victim, wah,wah,wah, McCrae why won’t you stoop to my level, I thought you loved me?”, then she got evicted.
      McCrae’s game officially started soon as she left.

      Final 5s are always borefests, having Amanda there would not have changed that fact.

  5. YES !! I avoided the feeds and this site ( sorry Simon and Dawg (((hugs)))) because I was disgusted by the ” Jerkinators ” alliance and see that there is hope afterall…..I know, slim pickins’ …but I wanna see McCrae have the last laugh on these a$$holes……I CAN’T STAND SPENCER, THE RAT AND SKANKALICIOUS GINAMARIE !! Patoohey ! Used to like JuDD but he turned into a jerk too lately

  6. Okay, what did production spray in the house – this bunch seems a bit calmer – no doubt they’ve been told how awful they are coming across. And you know they’re not happy about Vegas being a no go…

  7. Anyone else noticed that these guys really have absolutely nothing in common? I don’t think they even know how to have what would be consiidered a normal conversation? They don’t even make an attempt. So small minded!!!n

  8. I think Judd will be leaving Wednesday…McCrae’s only chance of winning is taking Spencer…I believe Andy would win over McCrae because of the fact that jury will tell him that he slept all summer & let Amanda run his game and Andy actually played a mind game with everyone. I really don’t want any of those disgusting people left to win…If I had to pick I guess I would be ok with McCrae winning he doesn’t seem to be as vulgar as the rest of them…I’m voting Elissa for $25k…just to piss all of them off!

      1. I would love to see how Andy responds to Elissa’s question. He will probably be kissing her a** by saying you we’re the only one smart enough to figure that I was working both sides of the house so I had to get rid of you. I love you as a person though and want to be friends with you when this is over. I do hope he does not make the final two though.

    1. I noticed McCrae is taking showers, but he forgets to wash his body. I only see him was his hair. No wonder his feet smells bad, you got to get in-between those toes with soap and water. He also closed the POV box using his feet as hands. I wouldn’t touch that box with gloves on LOL…

    2. i dont want mccrae to win because that gifts 250k(half his winnings) to the blatant racist and mean spirited bully amanda

      if given the chance to vote out mccrae at final 4 these guys would be dumb not to

  9. Well it’s 5:00 p.m. BBT & 40% of the house guests have been up for less than 2 freaking hours……Seriously, my newborn niece sleeps less than these slugs !!

  10. From the slips the HG have made you know that they have been warned to stop with A: Comments that could be perceived as racist or confirm racism in the house. (Should have used a hammer) B: Personal attacks on departed HGs, their family/children especially Elissa. (Followed with a 2 by 4) C:Talking about (flipping off) production (Hey Judd maybe giving them the finger is why they said “Hey maggot give me 75 sit ups, 100 jumping jacks.) A sledgehammer?? Anything to get the STFU point across. So I have to believe that the biggest party after the show wraps will be production. You know they are counting the days.c

  11. I have never seen a group of such hateful people. I must move in rarified circles. Is this what the U.S. has become? No doubt taking this reality show too seriously, but really, Chen saying that no changes need to be made and certain personalities/behavior could not be antcipated … it is obviously what CBS and Production wanted to boost ratings. Chen and CBS/Production are just as culpable as the HGs.

    1. It’s what CBS wanted, an entire season filled with bigots,bullies,drug addicts, and uppity people. They just got rid of one bigot/bully/drug addict and the uppity bitch Thursday, one of the bigots left will win 500k..

    2. The edit tonight made them all look like a bunch of G-rated lovable Disney characters. I guess you can fool most of the viewing public most of the time. 🙁

      1. i have friends who don’t follow the feeds and they have no idea why i don’t like GM and when i try to explain it they roll their eyes and say she is funny. they have given her such a good edit it’s ridiculous.

  12. Does anyone else think we will finally see more of the jury house now since a bunch of duds are left in the house now? no one cares about where hitler loving spencer came from, racist gm, or andy or mcrae came from. we already saw judd since he has a personality. Now it will be more of the jury just because they actually have a personality. just give this years half a million to charity!

    1. I wish they would run Sunday’s whole hour-episode from the jury house. If they have a normal flashback episode with the final three reminiscing fondly about evicted houseguests, it is going to be so fake– get your vomit buckets ready!!

    1. Homophobe. Heaves for in a straight guy and a gay guy be friends. I’m sure you’d be much more comfortable if Spencer beat him up for being gay

  13. This fucking rat of Andy! He just admitted it: he hates Elissa’s guts because she was onto him. She could see right through him. McCrae knows that Andy’s a fucking lying dirtbag so I’m Team McCrae from now on. The kid’s way smarted than I gave him credit for.
    Oh Richard, you can include me among the homophobes of this board. If it comes to cheering on, rooting for or respecting TV people JUST BECAUSE they’re gay, well I’d go for Neil Patrick Harris or Anderson Cooper, because you can see that they’re decenf human beings, which I can’t say about Andy.

    1. Anna. Neil Patrick Harris or Anderson Cooper isn’t playing Big Brother. Andy is, so of course he going to lie (that’s his game). He never said he isn’t a liar or anything. He’s trying to win 500K.

      1. So Richard, its OK for Andy to call Elissa a Whore and a C**t and insult her children because he’s just trying to win the game?

      1. i hate Andy….you forgot about his grrrrrrrrooooooooossssss chest hair that he’s always trying to flaunt. And oh lord please help him learn how to sip a drink through a straw! It drives me batshit watching Andy drink from his BB sippy cup. For being a teacher, I’ve been really surprised that he has no problem throwing around slang expressions “I’ll kill myself if she wins HOH”, “I just wanna die”……that are too morbid for tv. Just seems wrong……..

      2. I hate when CBS does a close up on Rat Face Andy. He looks more like a lizard than a rat. Andy is what you get if you cross a rat with a lizard, he’s a rizard. Zing, Zing…

  14. (Andy – “This game is better suited for guys.. girls are way too emotional’) REALLY ANDY, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT EMOTIONAL AT ALL !

    1. Haha. That one is funny. Andy is a cryer and it’s funny. He’s very emotional. That’s what makes him even more adorable. 😉

  15. I was watching a video someone made about all the BB evictions from BB1 to BB 14. I knew I had watched three seasons some time ago but didn’t know which ones. So it was great to see the video because as I saw the people being evicted I recognized them. I saw Seasons 3, 4, and 6. And now season 15.

  16. I’m glad that there is no big bash in Vegas this year. Hope that even the backyard party is cut short and all these BB HG go home and are never seen again.

    There are absolutely no all stars out of this bunch, maybe some all a$$es, or all cowards or all snitches or all racists or all fairies or all perverts or all morons!

    1. When I saw that Ian said they could not get the funding for the Vegas bash this year, I thought it was very clear that no one wanted any part of the racism, vile and disgusting behavior by certain houseguests.

  17. I just watch this episode on Sunday where Andy told Ellisa she is lying regarding the vote for Amanda. Andy is really great at lying, I actually would have believe him if I didn’t know better. After seeing that, I now would want McCrea and Judd to win.

  18. A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally. Andy I hope you learn the meaning of this lol

  19. Pot calling the kettle black Gm is saying McCrea is nasty wow , when she farts and burp and smell the whole house up.

  20. I definitely stopped caring about this show after amanda and elissa left – its simply too boring and there’s no one left to root for.

    I’ll be back for finale night, thanks so much for the coverage on this season, Simon and Dawg !! Your posts definitely kept me entertained during my office job this summa and I hope you’ll be covering BBCan this winter 🙂

    1. i stopped bothering watching after jessie left

      im going to watch on dvr to skip through everything except for to just watch jury moments of the cbs eps, and jury interaction and vote on finale, i have no interest in the rest of the show

  21. Mccrae said he knew that Andy was lying but he wanted to go with the house and get rid of Ellissa, YOU FOOL

    1. If Amanda had stayed and McCrae had left, she wouldn’t have put up Elissa, and they would have both stayed in the house. McCrae would be out and probably Judd or GM.

  22. I’m watching BB right now and I felt so bad for Elissa. This woman was so nice to these people and they treat her like crap, especially Ratandy. Even McCrae said he knew Andy was the one lying about Amanda. Bunch of losers. I wish that the things they have done and wished upon Elissa happens to them. Golden Rule!!! Just being fair.

  23. I cant see them allowing Spencer; GM or Andy in the f2. My theory is that they will persuade mc & Judd to team up…have Judd tell mc about the exterminators esp ratfink andy and assist them in making it to the end. They cant have BB be won by a racist who has already been terminated by her employer…a person who is known for making creepy pedo comments….or a rat who just keeps getting worse in his commentaries. The safest for CBS is having Judd and mc in the finals with Elissa Americas favorite. Lesser of all evils with the least amount of uproar.

  24. Asshole of the year Andy

    Runner up asshole GinaMarie

    Pevert asshole Spencer

    Asshole in training Judd

    it’s official I’m now team McCrae. I know it does not look good with the asshole alliance in charge but he is the best of this lot of bad apples.

    1. were you an alternate for this season?

      you sound like one of them

      surely by this stage of the season their behaviour comes as no surprise

      i want mccrae gone asap, so amanda(the worst of the 16 by far – racist, bully, talked about killing elissa/candice/jessie) gets no major dollars off mccrae

  25. Just watched BB. McCrea you are an idiot. You knew it was Andy who flip but you didn’t put him up. Now you have no one to blame if your a$$ gets sent packing. It could have been 2 against 3 instead of 1 against 4.

    1. Well we know if he didn’t put Elissa up, they were all going to go after him next. That’s the main reason he did it, but he has also participated in the Elissa bashing so he doesn’t like her either. But he knew she was saying the truth and not Ratandy.

      I just felt so bad for her when I saw her sad face and all of them telling her stuff that wasn’t true, and Judd not honoring his word and using the veto on her. Those people are so malevolent.

      God bless you and your family Elissa.

  26. Watching the CBS show MC admits that he was sure Andy flipped, No more excuses for his stupidity not targeting ANDY. Judd totally screwed Elissa and Andy was the BIGGEST A-hole. No surprise. I was feeling sorry for Judd but I guess his karma is coming to bite him this week. I keep trying to see this game as a strategic chess like game but DAMN!! I am starting to despise these people. All the diary room mouth diarrhea has convinced me that I no longer care what happens.

  27. Spencer makes me sick
    Howdy Doody Rat -fink makes me sick
    psychotic trailer trash GM makes me sick
    Judd makes me queasy
    McCrae makes me mad because he didn’t put Rat A$$ up instead of Elissa……….so I guess, for health reasons, I’m gonna root for McCrae for the win

  28. Seriously Andy girls aren’t good at the game because they are to emotional. Then I guess that makes you a girl because you have cried the most in this game. You are the one who hated Elissa because she didn’t buy into your bs and you still can’t get over it even though she is gone.

  29. Spenser winning HOH is the definition of those who are left—- A bunch of loser floaters. BB has truly turned into a disappointing show. They should have some way of ensuring those who never win any competition don’t make it beyond about 3/4 of the way through the season. Floaters won this season, and I have never said this before, but based on this season’s results, this show just lost all it’s draw and I won’t be watching next year.

    1. Mcpu**y is stupid why would he keep Andy when he knew he turned on him. another ass wanting to vote with the house. Since when is this a game that everyone votes together and no one “wants to get thier hands dirty” Judd you are an idiot also.. you keep trusitng the wrong people

  30. definitely the worst season of big brother to date, and obviously the worst final 5 ever
    not even one person i can stand to root for.

  31. Right you guys didn’t want to take a party bus to Vegas for an after party. Sounds like the girl who really wanted to go to the prom but no one asked her so she insists she didn’t want to go because it is lame.

  32. I guess that most of the people that watch BB only watch the 3 hours on CBS, don’t come to this type of sites, don’t watch the live feeds, and don’t watch BBAD.

    So that means that they have NO idea who these people really are or what is going on. They probably have no idea that Spencer is a woman hater and pervert, that Andy is also a woman hater, that Judd told Elissa to F*ck off, plus along with Spencer and Andy have bashed Elissa and her family behind her back constantly, even after Elissa left the house. They have said consistently how they hate her and want to do things to her.

    The other two left are GM and McCrae, the two I think are also disgusting but out of the 5 they are the less disgusting. How sad that it has come to this. And it’s sad that they don’t show how the five of them behave. I guess Aaryn was the scapegoat for this season, when there were people10 times worse than her.

    Hope Elissa wins MVP

  33. I am so glad saw the show to night and realized that Mcrea is not fooled by Andy. Makes the evictions a little easier to swallow. I was for Gm not now. I don’t want Judd or Gm. Or Ficking Andy. Mcrea all the way. Spencer sad to say for 50,000 and a arrest warrant. He will need the money to post his bail. later

    1. I don’t know who Nosferatu is but I can’t stand Andy either. Now more than ever since I saw Elissa suffering begging for them not to vote her out, and knowing that she was saying the truth. Andy is a real bitch!

      Elissa for MVP. And I hope she makes millions of dollars in any of her business endeavors to add to the millions she already has. The Exterminators have no chance of making much money. Andy has made a total of $94.83, great!

      1. Nosferatu is from a very old vampire movie. He was bald with large bat-like ears. Andy is just a horrible person. The way he behaves is going beyond game play. It really is like mean girls in there now.

  34. Dam Dawg and Simon! I hate to say this Go Mcrea. At least Amanda was up front. Hope he wins and Amanda and her pizza boy live happily ever after. Elissa for Americas favorite. ROCK ON!

  35. Is there going to be a competition where they need to know the history of Big Brother? Maybe that is why Ian is the former houseguest that was alluded to previously.

  36. Judd comments that Candice said that this was the most traumatic experience of her life. Andy says you, me and Spencer all f**ked over Kaitlin……
    Okay, THIS was the most traumatic experience Candice – really? How about the time she shared her story about having a gun put to her head and in Africa where “men were very aggressive” mistook her for a prostitute? Candice is pulling a Suzette from BB Canada.
    Candice was wayyyy tougher than she proclaimed to be IMO. Her baby voice didn’t disguise the hard bitch underneath ALL the time. Moving on…..

  37. Andy is no longer JUST a rat, but a lisping, mother-of-all-rat, R A T. He is sooooooo much worse than his most hated enemy – Elissa. If he wins this I will be so disheartened that anybody even voted for him but I’m hoping he’ll go before final 2. On tonight’s episode it looks like McCrae figured how who Andy really was when he called Elissa out for voting out Amanda.

  38. Elissa must have felt like she was in the twilight zone from the time McCrae won the second HOH until she left the house. They all treated her poorly, but of course it was Andy who followed her around shrieking while his eyes popped out of his head, and his face turned various shades of red, all while wearing a tank-top. SMH.

    Nice to see that McCrae isn’t hypnotized by Andy anymore, but I still think having Elissa in the house was better for his game play. He is their target regardless, so why not keep her and make a final 2 deal… she wins stuff, and would have continued working with him.

    It is pretty evident from his DR sessions that Andy thinks America is cheering him on. It wasn’t necessary for him to reveal his reasoning for hating Elissa, it was already obvious. It also wasn’t necessary to say that no one should trust him, that too was already obvious. It was funny to hear him saying the things that many of us having already been saying about him though.

    Too bad Spencer won’t put Andy on the block. That would be so entertaining.

  39. Oh Andy you r the biggest crybaby, lying disgusting little RAT bastard in the house!!!! Only thing u deserve to win is some rat bait! You should be afraid to end up in jury house! Those gals will eat u alive!!! And deservedly so!

  40. Watching the Rat Coward and Racists, and Pediphile on the show tonight makes me sick. Andy is horrific. The lesser of the 5 evils is Judd and McNasty. I believe all the hate spewed will come back and bite all of them when they get out. Who would hire these people? Karma.

    1. I still can’t believe there’s a Marylin. She should have sent a picture of both of them, together. And then they sent a picture of her being tortured, as a ga. Who would send something like that? After the show we’ll find out there was no Marilyn.

    2. All of the letters that house guests read are written before the show starts.
      It was rumored in previous season that the letters gave unfair information
      to a house guest, so they write them before the show starts and everybody in the pictures and letters
      has to sign a release. That is why it is obvious that the picture of Nick was from production.
      That and it was one of the pictures of him taken by production.

  41. Andy I guess your acting skills aren’t as good as you thought. McCrea’s onto you, not sure why you didn’t put him up.

  42. Could Dawg or Simon answer this pls.
    What do the members of the jury see e.g. video or hear or are they told regarding what has taken place in the house, before they cast their vote for the winner?

  43. spencer just said he couldn’t believe that Elissa was in the jury house and Howard was in Mississippi. GM goes “i know, i know”

    But somebody had to vote him out. And like all the other votes this season, it was a house vote. So stop your complaining you fat f**k. You should be complaining about the fact that everyone voted the same and no one challenged the status quo.

  44. Duh, they should have clued in Elissa doesn’t lie. That is who you should believe. Really hard to watch all of them calling her a liar on tonight’s show.

  45. I think if they each painted their ducks they would auction for more money than if they tried to sell them just as they are in the box as BB paraphernalia. Probably dollar store stuff. Painted they are signature items.

  46. How stupid is the albino rat ? He told Amanda in his diary good bye that he voted her out and was in the ” Douchebaganator ” alliance ? Unless he’s up against Spencer, he doesn’t have a chance of winning …….I think that anyone up against Spencer will win…..I hope the low life from Staten Island gets booted next…….THEN THE RAT !!! I wanna see him cry like the little girl he is .

    1. If Andy wins , bb will never have the viewer’s support again ! When he whined ” America please don’t give Elissa the $25,000 ,it will just kill me !” I thought ,hurry big brother , now everyone wants to vote for Elissa ! I wish we could vote for her to win the $500K , just to watch the creep ,andy, crumble.

  47. BB production, “While you were sleeping, we put a key inside each of you. To win, you must collect all 5 keys, unlocking the BB house front door. Also, the house is rigged to explode unless there is only one alive when the door is unlocked.”

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