Big Brother Expelled House Guests:
Season 2 – Justin Sebik
Justin Sebik was out of control even at the beginning of the season before the first house guest had been evicted. The first incident happened when another house guest Kent had brought his own pillow from home and Justin took it and went to bed with it. Kent stormed in and took it back and a yelling match ensued. Justin brought his fists up threatening to punch Kent. After things had cooled down, Justin said that he was just joking around and that he understood that intimidation and physical violence would not be tolerated. Following that incident, Justin then proceeded to urinate on a window, smash the chess set, throw a chair, threatened to punch Autumn in the stomach and threaten to toss glass bottles in the air so that they would smash on the basketball court. The last straw was when Justin Sebik threatened fellow house guest Krista with a knife to her throat asking her “Would you get mad if I killed you?” The

incident was fueled by a night of heavy drinking. In addition to that he also threatened her with a floor sweeper by swinging it in slow motion by her head. As Justin was called into the diary room he told Krista (who had also been warned about her behaviour) “We got problems! I think it might have been that knife to your neck.” A fellow house guests Hardy said that “living with Justin was like living with a dangerous third grader.” Due to the violent nature of the incidents producers immediately evicted and disqualified Justin. Justin Sebik was the very first big brother house guest to be expelled. When Julie Chen interviewed him after the show ended, Justin showed no understanding of why he had been expelled from the house. Justin said that the knife to the neck was obviously a joke and that anyone who thought it wasn’t was an idiot. Justin also said, “I didn’t threaten nuthin’ against anybody.” Justin said that the incident with Kent wasn’t a threat it was intimidation. Interesting choice of words considering he had told producers that he understood that intimidation and physical violence would not be tolerated. Justin told Julie Chen that he was using a strategy of confusion. Following the

ending of the season reports surfaced about Justin’s criminal background that should have been discovered prior to allowing him into the big brother house. The reports showed that Justin had been arrested 5 times in his hometown Bayonne, New Jersey. He had 3 allegations of assault and 2 for minor robbery, however, none of the charges resulted in prosecution. In addition to this violent behaviour, after the season ended he was arrested again on January 7th, 2002 where his girlfriend had a broken ankle and choke marks on her neck. Following Krista’s eventual eviction from the house, she spoke in her interview saying “When Julie asked me about this, I had no recollection of what she was talking about because we were basically joking around,” Krista said. “They (the producers) blew that completely out of proportion. Justin is just a fun guy. I really don’t have the memory of the knife. Maybe my eyes were closed at the time, but I never viewed him as a threat. So it wasn’t part of my strategy. I just didn’t remember it.” She continued to say “I really didn’t take it seriously,” she said. “If you know Justin and if you’ve lived with him, then you know completely, he’s off the hook. He’s nuts. He’s funny.” After the show ended, Krista changed her story and sued CBS over the knife incident.
Season 4 – Scott Weintraub
Scott Weintraub was expelled from the Big Brother 4 season for throwing a temper Tantrum in the house causing the other house guests to fear for their safety. The other house guests feared for their safety and went to the producers in protest to have Scott removed from the house. Scott had gone crazy when he found out that his ex-girlfriend had been cast for the season as well. Scott started throwing chairs across the kitchen, which scared the other house guests. Some of the girls were so scared that they hid in the bathroom in fear. When Scott was called to the diary room he ignored the producer’s requests and refused to go. When called to the diary room Scott said “These people don’t own me. I am not going to the Diary Room.” Scott also told a fellow house guest, David Lane that he thought the producers were taking advantage of him. Eventually, Scott obeyed the producers requests and went to the diary room. After speaking with the producers in the diary room, Scott held a meeting with the other house guests and apologized for his actions. In addition, Scott also admitted to the other house guests that he had contracted Human Papillomavirus Virus (genital warts) from his ex-girlfriend. Scott told the others that it had devastated his life. The other house guests appeared to be more upset about the Scotts STD than the violent outburst. Alison began throwing up and frantically started cleaning the toilet due to HPV’s ability to be transmitted without sexual contact. Michelle also began crying uncontrollably after hearing the news of his STD. Soon after holding a meeting with the other house guests Scott was called to the diary room again and was expelled by the producers.
Season 11 – Chima Simone
Chima Simone was cast to be on Big Brother 11 as a member of the Brains Clique. Throughout the season, Chima constantly broke the rules and disobeyed the producer’s instructions including ignoring calls to the diary room numerous times, refusing to wear the microphone, threatening producers that she would act up during the live episode (day35), throwing her mic in the hot tub and obstructing the camera. As a result, Chima was expelled from the big brother house on day 42 and was not allowed to be a part of the jury. The viewing public then took her place on the jury where a poll was setup for America to cast their vote for the winner on the finale episode. Jordan Lloyd won America’s Vote and subsequently was crowned the winner of Big Brother 11 by a vote of 5-2.
House Guests to Voluntarily Leave the Big Brother House:
- Season 9 – Neil Garcia voluntarily left the big brother house on day 7 due to a personal matter that was urgent.
- Season 12 – Paola Aviles, a 30yr old real estate agent voluntarily left before even entering the big brother house while she was in sequester.
- Season 13 – Dick Donato voluntarily left the big brother house on day 6 due to an urgent personal matter with a friend.
They forgot willie